Daftar Tokoh Orang Asli Papua yang neninggal dalam 4 tahun terakhir 2018-2021

Dari Tahun Ke Tahun Orang Asli Papua (OAP) Meninggal Dunia Tanpa Gejala Bahkan Meninggal Di Hotel Jakarta. Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Dan Tokoh-Tokoh Gereja Serta Tokoh Masyarakat Di 7 (Tujuh Wilayah Adat) Perlu Evaluasi Bersama Dalam Rangka Keselamatan Orang Asli Papua Di Masa Mendatang. Penelitian Ini Dibuktikan Dengan Beberapa Peristiwa Kematian Para Pemimpin Papua Di Tahun 2018 antara Tahun 2021. Kematian Semakin meningkat, Nama-Nama Para Pemimpin Tersebut Sebagai Berikut;

  1. Benediktus Tombonop Bupati Boven Digul (3/1/2020), Meninggal Di Hotel Jakarta Secara Tiba-tiba.
  2. Paulus Demas Mandacan Bupati Manokwari (20/4/2020).
  3. Paskalis Kocu Wakil Bupati Maybrat (25/8/2020).
  4. Habel Melkias Suwae Mantan Bupati Jayapura (03/9/2020).
  5. Bertus Kogoya Mantan Wakil Bupati Lani Jaya (11/9/2020).
  6. Demas Tokoro Ketua Pokja Adat MRP (19/9/2020).
  7. Arkelaus Asso Mantan Wakil Bupati Yalimo (15/10/2020).
  8. Yairus Gwijangge Bupati Ndugama (14/11/2020).
  9. Wakasad LetJend TNI Herman Asaribab 14/12/2020
  10. Dr. Hengki Kayame, Mantan Bupati Kabupaten Paniai, Meninggal Bulan Maret 2021.
  11. Robby Omaleng, Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Mimika Meninggal Setelah Divaksinasi Pada Bulan April 2021.
  12. Repinus Telenggen, Mantan Bupati Kabupaten Puncak Meninggal Secara Tiba-tiba Pada Awal Bulan Mei 2021.
  13. Klemen Tinal, Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Papua Meninggal 21 Mei 2021 Meninggal Serangan Jantung…
  14. Drs. Alimuddin Sabe, Mantan Wakil Bupati Sarmi (meninggal dgn serangan jantung).
  15. Sendius Wonda, SH, M.Si. Kepala Biro Pemerintahan Setda Provinsi Papua.
  16. Obaja Waker, Asisten I Kabupaten Puncak Papua.
  17. Celsius Watae, Bupati Keerom Meninggal di Hotel Secara Tiba-tiba.
  18. Wemban Kogoya, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabipaten Tolikara.
  19. Abraham Oktavianus Aturure, Mantan Gubernur Provinsi Papua Barat.
  20. Rowani Wanimbo, Mantan Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Tolikara.
  21. Thomas Tigi, Bupati Dogiyai Meninggal Dalam Tahanan di Jayapura Secara Tiba-tiba.
  22. Herman Auwe Mantan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Dogiyai.

Dalam Tiga Tahun Terakhir Ini, Hitung-hitung Puluhan Pemimpin Papua Telah Meninggal Dunia. Tidak Terhitung Kematian Bangsa Papua Yang Meninggal Karena Ditembak Oleh TNI/POLRI Diseluruh Pelosok Papua. Sampai Kapan Air Mata Akan Berakhir❓

Maka Satu Hal Yang Kami Sarankan Kepada Para Pemimpin Papua Yang Ada di 44 Kabupaten Kota Yang Berasal Dari Kedua Provinsi “Perlu Evaluasi” Bersama MRP, DPRP Serta Libatkan Pihak Gereja Dari Berbagai Denominasi Yang Ada Di Tanah Papua. Demi Keselamatan Bangsa Papua Di Tahun Mendatang. Karena Peristiwa Kematian Ini Terjadi Dengan Cara Misterius.

Selanjutnya, Kami Juga Sarankan Bahwa Para Pemimpin Atau “Orang Papua Yang Sakit” Janganlah Dibawah Ke Jakarta, Kalau Bisa Bawah saja Berobat Di Luar Negeri Seperti “Singapur atau di Negara Tetangga Lainnya” Karena Percuma Orang Papua Berobat Di Jakarta Malah Dibawah Jenazah Terus Pulangkan Di setiap Tahun. Merupakan Peristiwa Yang Sesungguhnya Terjadi Di Papua. Maka Sekali Lagi Kami Sampaikan Ini Sebagai Suatu Sarang Kami Bagi Para Pemimpin Papua Yang Kami Sayangi. Semoga Saran Dan Pesan Ini Bermanfaat Bagi Kita Semua.

Kiranya TUHAN Yesus Memberkati Kita Sekalian..

Sumber: WestPapuaNews

Former TNI Commander: Don’t brand West Papuan resistance OPM ‘terrorist’, say ex-general, critics

General Gatot Nurmantyo, a former commander in the Indonesian National Armed Forces, giving his television interview – in Bahasa Indonesian. Video: TV-One Indonesia

Asia Pacific Report correspondent

A former Indonesian military commander has condemned the formal labelling of the West Papuan resistance TPN/OPN as “terrorists”, saying that the Papuan problem was complex and could not be solved by armed force alone.

Among other critics of the tagging are the Papua provincial Governor, Lukas Enembe and a Papuan legal researcher.

General Gatot Nurmantyo, former commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), said during a live interview on TV-One Indonesia that it was wrong to label the TPN/OPM (National Liberation Army/Free Papua Movement) as a terrorist group.

He said that Jakarta had tried to use a military solution since the former Dutch colony of Irian Jaya was “integrated” into Indonesia in 1969 without bringing about any change.

“Papua cannot be solved by military operations,” he said.

General Nurmantyo said military operations would not solve the root cause of the conflict in Papua.

He regretted the decision made by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration on May 5.

“I am saddened to hear that troops are leaving for Papua to fight. It’s a picture that I think makes me sad,” said the general.

Sad for two reasons

He said he felt sad for two reasons:

First, Papua was one of the Indonesian provinces and the youngest province of the Unitary State of the Republic.
Second, based on Government Regulation in Lieu of Acts (PERPU) 59 of 1959, Papua was still under civilian rule. So, the military actions should be mainly territorial, which supported by intelligence and prepared combat operations.
The retired general said that Papuans “are our own people”, so the burden could not be imposed only on the military and police. Executive government and other government agencies should comprehend the real background of the movements and be involved to resolve the prolonged problem in Papua.

“Territorial operations are operations to win the hearts and minds of the people, because what we face is our own people. Do not expect to solve a condition in Papua only with military operations,” said General Nurmantyo.

“I remind you, it will not work, no matter how great it will be. Because the problem is not just that small,” he said.

General Nurmantyo, who has been a former military district commander in Jayapura and Merauke said that Indonesia already had experience in Aceh where the conflict had not been resolved by military operations.

As the PERPU 59 of 1959 was still valid, the governor was the single highest authority. The military was not allowed to carry out operations without coordinating with the local government.

Communication with government

General Nurmantyo said communication with the local government was carried out and measured operations launched.

“Lest the people become victims! How come, in a situation like this we are waging an open war? Seriously!

“Meanwhile, the situation is still very civil. The leader is the governor or local government.

“This is a state regulation. This is different from when Papua would be designated as a military operation,” said General Nurmantyo.

According to a media release received by Asia Pacific Report. Papua Governor Lukas Enembe and the provincial government also objected to the terrorist label given to the KKB (“armed criminal group”), as the Indonesian state refers to the TPNPB (West Papua National Liberation Army).

Key points
Two of the seven points made in the media release said:

“Terrorism is a concept that has always been debated in legal and political spheres, thus the designation of the KKB as a terrorist group needs to be reviewed carefully and ensure the objectivity of the state in granting this status, and
“The Papua provincial government pleaded with the central government and the Indonesian Parliament to conduct a re-assessment of the observation of the labeling of KKB as terrorist. We are of the opinion that the assessment must be comprehensive by taking into account the social, economic and legal impacts on Papuans in general.”
A West Papuan legal researcher, who declined to be named, said that the Indonesian government misused the term “terrorism” to undermine the basic human rights of indigenous West Papuans.

So far, the term terrorism had no precise definition and so has no legal definition, said the researcher.

Many of the United Nations member states did not support UN resolution 3034 (XXVII) because it contained a certain degree of disconnection to other international instruments, particularly human rights laws.

Disagreements among the states remained regarding the use of terrorism, especially the exclusion of different categories of terrorism.

Right to self-determination

In particular the exception of the liberation movement groups. Particularly contentious which was the affirmation in 1972 of “the inalienable right to self-determination and independence of all peoples under colonial and racist regimes and other forms of alien domination”.

“The legitimacy of their struggle, in particular, the struggle of national liberation movements by the principles and purposes is represented in the UN charter. Therefore, designating West Papua Liberation Army as a terrorist group by the Indonesian government considered outside the category of the terrorist act,” said the researcher.

“Any definition of terrorism must also, accommodate reasonable claims to political implications, particularly against repressive regimes such as Indonesia towards West Papuans.

“The act of self-determination by Papuans cannot be considered terrorism at all.”

The international community should condemn any regime that is repressive and terrorist acts by colonial, racist and alien regimes in denying peoples their legitimate right to self-determination, independence, and other human rights.

A coherent legal definition of terrorism might help “confine the unilateral misuse” of the term by the national government such as Indonesia against TPNPB/OPM, said the researcher.

The other side of the story was war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, oppression, torture and intimidation by the state.

These elements were present in West Papua and they qualified as the act of terrorists and were therefore universally recognised as crimes against humanity and criminals, the researcher said.

The researcher added: “The West Papua army or TPN/OPM are not terrorist groups. They are the victims of terrorism”

This report and the translations have been compiled by an Asia Pacific Report correspondent.

Source: https://asiapacificreport.nz

Penguasa Indonesia dan TNI Membakar Buku-Buku Sejarah Papua Sejak 1 Mei 1963


Oleh Gembala Dr. Socratez Yoman,MA

Watak kolonial yang sebenarnya ialah biasa mereka menghancurkan beberapa pilar penting bangsa yang diduduki dan dijajah, yaitu hancurkan pendidikan, hancurkan kebudayaan, hancurkan bahasa, hancurkan ekonomi, hancurkan kesehatan dan hancurkan sejarah dan dokumen-dokumen penting. Para kolonial memang tidak pernah hargai sejarah bangsa yang diduduki dan dijajah. Ini wajah yang dimiliki bangsa kolonial moderen firaun Indonesia.

Pastor Frans Lieshout, OFM memberitahukan kepada kita semua perilaku kejam dan barbar penguasa Indonesia dan TNI membakar buku-buku sejarah dan dokumen-dokumen penting tentang Papua.

“Di mana-mana ada kayu api unggun: buku-buku dan dokumen-dokumen arsip Belanda di bakar.” (Gembala Dan Guru Bagi Papua, 2020: hal. 593).

Kejahatan kolonial modern Indonesia terhadap orang asli Papua yang paling kejam, biadab, brutal, dan barbar serta primitif ialah membakar buku-buku sejarah dan dokumen-dokumen penting yang dimiliki penduduk asli Papua. Kekejaman dan kebiadaban penguasa kolonial Indonesia disemangati dari rasisme, fasisme dan militerisme. Kekejaman dan kolonialisme primitif ini wajar karena Indonesia adalah pemerintahan berkultur militer.

Menurut Amiruddin al Rahab: “Papua berintegrasi dengan Indonesia dengan punggungnya pemerintahan militer.” (Sumber: Heboh Papua Perang Rahasia, Trauma Dan Separatisme, 2010: hal. 42).

Dewan Gereja Papua (WPCC) pada 5 Juli 2020 menyatakan: “Begitu mendapat tempat di Papua (setelah UNTEA tanggal 1 Mei 1963), para elit Indonesia yang menampakkan kekuatannya dan membakar semua buku, dokumen-dokumen, jurnal dan semua tulisan tentang Sejarah, etnografi, penduduk, pemerintahan; semua dibakar di depan orang banyak di halaman Kantor DPRP sekarang di Jayapura” (Lihat, Acub Zainal dalam memoarnya: I Love the Army).

“Pembakaran besar-besaran tentang semua buku-buku teks dari sekolah, sejarah dan semua simbol-simbol nasionalisme Papua di Taman Imbi yang dilakukan ABRI (sekarang:TNI) dipimpin oleh Menteri Kebudayaan Indonesia, Mrs.Rusilah Sardjono.”

Pastor Frans Leishout,OFM melayani di Papua selama 56 tahun sejak tiba di Papua pada 18 April 1969 dan kembali ke Belanda pada 28 Oktober 2019. Pastor Frans dalam surat kabar Belanda De Volkskrant ( Koran Rakyat) diterbitkan pada 10 Januari 2020, menyampaikan pengalamannya di Tanah Papua.

” Saya sempat ikut salah satu penerbangan KLM yang terakhir ke Hollandia, dan pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963 datanglah orang Indonesia. Mereka menimbulkan kesan segerombolan perampok. Tentara yang telah diutus merupakan kelompok yang cukup mengerikan. Seolah-olah di Jakarta mereka begitu saja dipungut dari pinggir jalan. Mungkin benar-benar demikian.”

“Saat itu saya sendiri melihat amukan mereka. Menjarah barang-barang bukan hanya di toko-toko, tetapi juga di rumah-rumah sakit. Macam-macam barang diambil dan dikirim dengan kapal itu ke Jakarta. Di mana-mana ada kayu api unggun: buku-buku dan dokumen-dokumen arsip Belanda di bakar.” (Gembala Dan Guru Bagi Papua, 2020: hal. 593).
Fakta lain ialah pada bulan April 1963, Adolof Henesby Kepala Sekolah salah satu Sekolah Kristen di Jayapura ditangkap oleh pasukan tentara Indonesia. Sekolahnya digebrek dan cari simbol-simbol nasional Papua, bendera-bendera, buku-buku, kartu-kartu, sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan budaya orang-orang Papua diambil. Adolof Henesby dibawa ke asrama tentara Indonesia dan diinterogasi tentang mengapa dia masih memelihara dan menimpan lambang-lambang Papua” (TAPOL, Buletin No.53, September 1982).

Presiden Republik Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno mengeluarkan Surat Larangan pada Mei Nomor 8 Tahun 1963.

“Melarang/menghalangi atas bangkitnya cabang-cabang Partai Baru di Irian Barat. Di daerah Irian Barat dilarang kegiatan politik dalam bentuk rapat umum, demonstrasi-demonstrasi, percetakan, publikasi, pengumuman-pengumulan, penyebaran, perdagangan atau artikel, pemeran umum, gambaran-gambaran atau foto-foto tanpa ijin pertama dari gubernur atau pejabat resmi yang ditunjuk oleh Presiden.”

Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua tidak tahu apa itu Kerajaan Majapahit dan Sriwijaya? Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua juga tidak tahu Pancasila, 17 Agustus 1945 dan bendera merah putih. Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua tidak tahu nama-nama pahlawan seperti Diponegoro dan lain-lain.

Pertanyaan yang dipertanyakan dalam tulisan ini ialah mengapa sejarah Belanda di West Papua dan Sejarah bangsa West Papua tidak pernah diajarkan dari Sekolah Dasar sampai Perguruan Tinggi di West Papua?

Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua sejak 1 Mei 1963 sampai tahun 2021 ini hidup dan hafal serta belajar sejarah bangsa kolonial Indonesia.

Mari, kita sadar, bangkit, bersatu dan lawan kejahatan kemanusiaan dan ketidakadilan, rasisme, fasisme, dan militerisme Indonesia yang berlangsung secara konstitusional, sistematis, terstruktur, masif dan kolektif di Tanah West Papua dan berdampak sangat buruk terhadap keberlangsungan kehidupan rakyat dan bangsa West Papua.

Doa dan harapan penulis, artikel pendek ini menjadi berkat. Waa…Waa…Wa….

Ita Wakhu Purom, 18 Maret 2021


  1. Presiden Persekutuan Gereja-gereja Baptis West Papua (PGBWP).
  2. Anggota: Dewan Gereja Papua (WPCC).
  3. Amggota: Konferensi Gereja-gereja Pasifik (PCC).
  4. Anggota Baptist World Alliance (BWA).

Call for Jihadis to go to West Papua following unrest

Johnny Blades, RNZ Pacific Journalistjohnny.blades@rnz.co.nz

Indonesia's Front Jihad Islam looks to recruit jihadis to take up arms in West Papua Photo: Supplied
Indonesia’s Front Jihad Islam looks to recruit jihadis to take up arms in West Papua Photo: Supplied

Jihadis are being encouraged to go and fight in West Papua by Indonesian Muslim hardliners.

Front Jihad Islam, or FJI, issued a call to arms in the Indonesia-ruled Papuan provinces after non-Papuan settlers were among the victims of recent violence there.

Unrest has surged in Papua region since August, including a day of rioting and violence in the Highlands city of Wamena two weeks ago when about 30 people were killed.

The unrest came off the back of widespread public demonstrations by West Papuans protesting against racism and calling for a referendum on independence from Indonesia.

According to Indonesia’s government, more than 11,500 people have been evacuated from Wamena since then due to safety fears. That many of these people are settlers from other parts of Indonesia has caused concern and prompted action back in Java.

FJI has been busy spreading its message online, replete with videoed torching of the Papuan Morning Star Flag and banners calling for Jihadis to be recruited for fighting in Papua against Papuans.

That’s a concern to Saiful Islam Payage, the head of Papua’s chapter of the Ulema Council, Indonesia’s top Muslim clerical body.

“I am very worried. So, I strongly forbid the Laskar who are in the name of religion for war or jihad in Papua,” he said.

He said that for now, there were only demonstrations in Java, and that no mobilisation of jihadis had yet occurred in the Papuan provinces. But he warned that if hardliners sought to bring their brand of divisiveness to Papua, he would have them expelled.

Indonesia's Front Jihad Islam looks to recruit jihadis to take up arms in Papua Photo: Supplied
Indonesia’s Front Jihad Islam looks to recruit jihadis to take up arms in Papua Photo: Supplied

Indonesian human rights researcher Andreas Harsono said that following recent violence in Wamena, a number of Islamic groups mobilised in Javanese cities.

Those organisations had been making two types of public calls – one, from a Muslim NGO network, was urging people to donate to humanitarian assistance for victims of the unrest in Wamena and other parts of Papua.

The other, from the likes of the FJI and the Islamic Defenders Front, was a call to recruit jihadis to go to Papua and protect fellow Muslims.

According to Mr Harsono, his concern stems from the way that most Indonesians have limited knowledge of the situation in Papua and the context of widespread human rights abuses there.

“Most victims are indigenous Papuans. Many Indonesians do not know the problems there,” he said.

“But because of emotions, because of sentiment, Muslim sentiment, they might think that fellow Muslims are being victimised in Papua. Thus, they will provide the ingredients to support these kind of misleading calls.”

While noting his concern, the researcher also said that he didn’t deem the threat as major currently because as yet no cleric of significant influence had called for jihadis in Papua.

Furthermore, Mr Harsono said that Indonesian military and police personnel were on hand to provide security in Wamena and other towns in a region where the population was predominantly Christian.

While Papua has generally enjoyed harmonious inter-religious relations, Mr Harsono said groups aggressively promoting sharia law already had a foothold in the region.

“We have one in Sorong; we are also seeing Laskar Jihad, a militant Muslim group, setting up a base in Keerom; also in Wamena – not militant, but quite aggressive.

“So these kinds of organisations are starting to appear in many parts of both Papua and West Papua provinces over the last decade.”

The presence of hardline Islamic campaigners in Keerom regency, which sits right on the border with Papua New Guinea, is not the only security concern along the 141st meridian east.

Land and sea access points between the two countries were closed last weekafter two people died in a shootout near the border on the Indonesian side where there’s been a troop build-up.

The governor of PNG’s West Sepik province, Tony Wouwou, said fellow Melanesians on the other side looked to flee across the border to safety in PNG.

But he said having Indonesian military in pursuit of them brought risk for his people.

“I’m a bit scared. I’m worried if my people go across and you never know what could happen. They might get bullet wounds or something because the Indonesians might think we’re Wamenas [people from Wamena] and all this, and receive a wound, and maybe our people will retaliate or something. I don’t want that to happen.”

He said the border entry point to Indonesia should remain closed until security threats abate.

Source: RNZ

WPRA Will Retaliate against Indonesian army and police if….

Only if the Indonesian army (TNI) and police (Polri) continue to kill students and unarmed civilized on daily basis, unstopped by international civilized community then West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) will retaliate.

Recent deployments of active military and police troops, equipped with fire arms to kill Melanesians in West Papua clearly indicate that Indonesia is declaring war against Melanesians. All Melanesian leaders must united now, because we are defending our human dignity and integrity. We are not just fighting against foreign occupation, but more than that, these military might has been undermining God created human beings in His own Image by calling us Melanesians “monkeys”, “pigs” and “dogs”.

The world should note that it is Indonesia that love violence, love killing, and Indonesia is NOT a democratic country, but it is fully controlled by military might that terrorize Indonesian civilians.

Papuan rights groups call on Jakarta to investigate Paniai massacre

Alleged Paniai massacre images distributed on social media networks. Image: Pacific Scoop

Pacific Scoop:
Report – By Nethy Darma Somba and Hasyim Widhiarto in Jayapura

Human rights activists have demanded that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo form an independent team to probe a shooting in Paniai, Papua, that claimed the lives of at least five civilians and wounded 21.

“President Jokowi should form an impartial team to thoroughly investigate the shooting incident so as to avoid the blame game among law enforcers and civilians,” said Rev Neles Tebay, coordinator of rights group Peaceful Papua Network.

The shootings occured around 10 a.m. on Monday when security personnel allegedly attempted to disperse a crowd that had gathered and was dancing in Karel Gobai field in Madi district, Paniai.

Witnesses said the residents were performing the waita tribal dance after setting fire to a black SUV believed to belong to a group suspected of assaulting residents assembled at a Christmas event in Ipakiye village, East Paniai.

Police from a nearby station arrived at the field to disperse the crowd. When the crowd continued dancing and did not disperse, the police fired into the crowd.

Rev Neles said the independent team should also track down the driver of the SUV that had provoked residents. He added that the case required a clear resolution since Paniai regency had seen frequent shootings since 1969.

The Papua police have denied involvement in the incident, saying that before the incident occurred, residents blocked roads and disrupted traffic in Enarotali city.

Gunshots investigated

As the police were trying to negotiate with residents to cease the disruption, they heard gunshots from the nearby hills.

The case is currently under police investigation.

The Indonesian Military’s (TNI) Army chief of staff, General Gatot Nurmantyo, agreed with the police’s account of the incident and denied any TNI involvement.

“As far as I know, there were no police or soldiers in the hills. However, it is known that [members of the pro-independence Free Papua Movement] often hide in the hills or the forest. We should check and investigate whether it is true or not,” he said on the sidelines of a peacekeepers departure ceremony at TNI headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta.

Speaking to reporters this week after accompanying President Jokowi to Halim Perdanakusuma Airport prior to his departure to South Korea, Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno said there should be an investigation into where the bullets had come from.

“The gunshots did not only come from the side but also from above. We have to see where they came from. Don’t just blame the law enforcers,” he said.

Tedjo said that the situation in the area was now calm.

Community talks

“I’ve spoken with the [local TNI] commander and there have been talks with the local community,” he added.

“It has been suggested that [the conflict] could be settled by performing a traditional ceremony, for example the rock-burning [ceremony].”

The rock-burning ceremony — where food is cooked with the heat of hot rocks placed in a hole in the ground covered by leaves and grass — is an age-old ritual among Papuan tribes.

Nani Afrida contributed to this report for The Jakarta Post.

Source: The Jakarta Post and Pacific Scoop

Indonesia forces deny involvement in Papua shooting

Indonesia police and military brass are reportedly distancing themselves from blame for the shooting of the five young West Papuan civilians in the highlands region of Paniai.

Four men were killed and over a dozen injured when security forces, both police and military, allegedly opened fire on a crowd on Monday that was protesting at the Karel Gobai field located near the Paniai District Military Command.

A fifth man died from the bullet injuries a few hours later in hospital.

The Age online reports that Jakarta-based leaders of both the army and police are denying responsibility for the shooting.

The national police chief Sutarman said on Wednesday it was not the police.

A Jakarta-based military counterpart, army chief of staff Gatot Nurmantyo, speculated that, instead of being fired by the armed soldiers and police officers in front of the protesting crowd, the fatal shots came from the top of a hill behind them.

He said he had heard from from the Papuan police and military that shots were coming from the top of the hill.

Mr Nurmantyo said he was certain there were no members of the military or the police on the hill.

Meanwhile, an investigation has been launched and will be run by a team headed by the Detective Head of the Papuan police, senior commissioner Dwi Iriyanto.

Source: https://www.rnz.co.nz

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