Amunggut Tabi: Tanggapan Saya atas Kontroversi Bintang Fajar ialah Lambang Lucifer

Kontroversi dan Tanggapan tentang Bintang Kejora

Bendera Sang Bintang Kejora

Sejauh pengamatan dan pengalaman saya, paling tidak ada empat (4) versi yang melihat Bintang Kejora sebagai penyebab kemerdekaan West Papua belum pernah tiba. Oleh karena itu mereka mengusulkan agar “Bintang” dari Bendera Bintang Kejora dirobah dari sebuah bintang segi-lima menjadi bintang segi-enam, yaitu Bintang Daud. Itu usulan versi pertama.

Usulan versi kedua mengatakan, nama Bintang Fajar dan Bintang Kejora yang membuat masalah, jadi seharusnya disebut Bintang Fajar, bukan Bintang Kejora. Atau sebaiknya Bintang Fajar, bukan Bintang Kejora.

Usulan versi ketiga mengatakan bahwa  oleh karena Bendera Bintang Kejora dikibarkan dan banyak berjatuhan korban nyawa, maka harus digantikan dengan bendera lain. Jadi, usulan di sini ialah menggantikan Bendera secara total.

Usulan versi terakhir atau keempat mengatakan tidak sekedar menggantikan nama dan gambar Bendera, akan tetapi juga menggantikan nama Negara dan nama bendera sekalgus Bendera, sehingga nama negara bukan West Papua lagi, dan nama Bendera serta gambar Bendera bukan Bintang Kejora lagi.

Analisis Saya

Goncangan ini dan itu terjadi terutama karena psikologi orang West Papua sendiri yang bermasalah. Permasalahan psikologi ini disebabkan oleh dasar orang West Papua, yaitu titik-tolak berpikir dari orang Papua sendiri. Ada yang melihat Bintang Kejora dari sisi Alkitab, atau Teologia Kristen. Ada yang melihatnya dari sisi Adat OAP (Orang Asli Papua), terutama orang Papua di pesisir dan pulau-pulau karena interaksi mereka dengan Bintang Pagi terjadi setiap pagi, sampai kiamat, mereka bergantung kepada Bintang Pagi untuk memberikan arah pulang ke rumah.

Yang pertama dan terutama, saya menilai bahwa guncangan pertama datang dari rekayasa NKRI (Negara Kesetanan Republik Indonesia), yaitu negara yang penuh dengan dusta, negara penyembah Lucifer itu sendiri, negara yang memiliki Bendera murni buatan Belanda.

Yang kedua, ini adalah pertanda OAP sendiri tidak memiliki pendirian teguh dan tegas atas apa yang diperjuangkannya sehingga di tengah-tengah perjalanan sejarahnya sendiri ia sudah mulai guncang dan mempertanyakan apa yang diperjuangkannya selama ini. Diskusi seperti ini sebenarnya patut terjadi setelah kemerdekaan, dan bukan sementara korban berjatuhan. Ini pertanda bahwa OAP sendiri sebagai “manusia” belum matang dalam berpikir dan bernalar, sehingga dengan mudah dapat dimasuki setan untuk mengacaukan pikiran dan pendirian. Manusia yang matang berpikir dan bernalah tidak akan pernah berpindah sebegitu mudah.

Yang ketiga, secara moralitas OAP, kita tidak sanggup menghargai karya pengorbanan bangsa Papua selama 60 tahun terakhir, sehingga kita masih berputar-putar berbicara tentang bintang yang mana dan bendera yang mana.Apapun alasannya, kalau korban sudah berjatuhan, sepatutnya secara moral, kita tidak usah bertanya-tanya bintang yang mana. Ini menunjukkan, selain nalar dan pikiran tidak matang, kita tidak bermoral. Orang Papua telah lama berjuang, telah lama mepertaruhkan segala-galanya untuk Bintang Kejora. Siapakah saya harus hadir mempertanyakannya? Apa sumbangan saya untuk perjuangan ini? 

Yang keempat, manusia Papua yang bertanya dan mempersoalkan Bendera inilah yang bermasalah, bermasalah secara pribadi dan secara kelompok, bermasalah secara rohani dan jasmani, bermasalah secara psikologis dan moral.

Komentar Penutup

Anda sendiri memilih, di pihak mana Anda berada, kepada pihak siapa Anda berteman.
Terlepas dari kontroversi dan argumen apapun, Bendera Bintang Kejora atau Bintang Fajar adalah sebuah Bendera yang telah lama dikenal orang Papua dan dunia sebagai Bendera Negara di wilayah bagian barat pulau New Guinea. 

Terlepas dari grup atau kelompok, kalau kita benar-benar berjuang untuk tanah dan bangsa Papua, maka kita pasti akan menyerah kepada sejarah itu sendiri, bahwa Bintang Kejora telah lama dinobatkan dan dikibarkan sebagai Bendera Kebebasan dan Bendera Kemerdekaan, Bendera Kebangsaan Papua dan Bendera Negara West Papua. 

Terlepas dari astronomi dan teologia agama. Jauh sebelum teologi, jauh sebelum filsafat, jauh sebelum ilmu-ilmu apapun di dunia ini, orang Melanesia telah lama mengelilingi dunia menggunakan perahu-perahu khas Melanesia. Dari seluruh manusia di dunia ini di era purba, hanya orang Melanesia yang telah terbukti menjelajah dunia sangat jauh, satu ras di pulau-pulau yang luas di Samudera Pasifik. 

Mereka menggunakan petunjuk satu-satunya, yaitu Bintang Pagi, untuk menentukan arah dan waktu. Bintang Pagi tidak diambil berdasarkan ajaran Alkitab atau Filsafat Yunani tentang Bintang Venus. 
Oleh karena itu, apapun alasannya, apapun argumennya, biarpun argumen dari sisi Teologia dan Alkitab sekalipun, Bintang Kejora harus dikibarkan! Nama Yesus harus dimuliakan karena kemenangan bangsa Papua atas Kerajaan Lucifer NKRI!

Atas nama Moyang Bangsa Papua, atas nama Segenap Komunitas Makhluk, atas nama Tulang-Belulang, atas nama anak-cucu yang akan datang. Saya berdoa kepada Tuhan Yesus Sang Bintang Fajar turun menyelamatkan bangsa Papua dari belenggu kerajaan Lucier

Daftar Pemimpin Orang Asli Papua yang neninggal dalam 4 tahun terakhir 2018-2021

Menyusul artikel kami sebelumnya: “Daftar Tokoh Orang Asli Papua yang neninggal dalam 4 tahun terakhir 2018-2021“, maka kami lanjutkan tambahan pemimpin atau tokoh OAP yang baru saja meninggal dunia.

Catatan kami adalah:

  • Mulai berpikir dan bertindak, agar setiap orang Papua yang sakit, masyarakat maupun pejabat, harus berpikir untuk berobat di Vanimo, Provinsi West Sepik/ Sandaun. Karena dari sisi biaya sangat murah, dari sisi waktu dan jarak sangat dekat, apalagi dari sisi pelayanan sangat bersahabat. Tempatnya sangat bersih.
  • Mulai belajar hidup sehat, meninggalkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang membawa kematian seperti mabuk-mabukan, persundalan, dan narkoba.
  • Mulai berdoa dan berpuasa banyak. Minta pengampunan dari Allah.

Pokok Doa Pengampunan

Kita mengaku di hadapan Tuhan sebagai bangsa yang telah lemanggar banyak janji dan perintah Tuhan, oleh karena itu kita secara pribadi dan sebagai bangsa Papua harus dan patut mengaku dosa berdoa, berlutut, berpuasa dan menyatakan penyesalan.


  1. 1984 – 04 – 26 . Arnold Ap (born July 1, 1946, in Numfor Island, Netherlands New Guinea  – died April 26, 1984, in Jayapura, Irian Jaya, Indonesia) was a West Papuan cultural leader, anthropologist and musician. Arnold was the leader of the group Mambesak, and curator of the Cenderawasih University Museum. He also broadcast Papuan culture on his weekly radio show.  <;
  2. 1996 – 03 – 12. Dr Thomas Wainggai meninggal dunia karena diracuni makanan/ minuman di Penjara Kalisosok, Jakarta. <;
  3. 2016 – 12 – 7. Bupati Yalimo Er Dabi meninggal dunia saat menjalankan tugas, 7 Desember 2016 di Timika, akibat kematian tidak jelas
  4. 2018 – 01 – Bupati Keerom Celsius Watae dikabarkan tutup usia pada pukul 14.20 Rabu (10/ Januari 2018) di Rumah Sakit Polri Bhayangkara, Kotaraja, Kota Jayapura. Akibat serangan Jantung, beritanya dapat diakses di <;
  5. 2018 – 01 – Thomas Tigi, Bupati Dogiyai Meninggal Dalam Tahanan di Jayapura Secara Tiba-tiba. 15 Januari 2018, di Rumah Sakit Abepura, Jayapura. Beritanya dapat dibaca di <;
  6. 2018 – 02 – Herman Auwe Mantan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Dogiyai, Beritanya diakses di sini <;
  7. 2019 – Bupati Mamberamo Raya Periode 2011-2016, Demianus Kyeuw-Kyeuw SH, MH meninggal dunia pada hari Selasa (12/maret/2019), di Jayapura akibat “serangan jantung”
  8. 2019 – 03 – 18. Mantan Bupati Sorong selama dua periode (1997-2007), Dr. Jhon Piet meninggal hari Senin 18 Maret 2019, di sorong, akibat kematian tidak di ketahui.
  9. 2019 – 09 – 20. Mantan Gubernur Provinsi Papua Barat, Brigadir Jenderal Marinir Abraham Octavianus Atururi meninggal di Papua Barat, Jumat, 20 September 2019. Akibat meninggal sakit, tapi keterangan kematian tidak jelas.
  10. 2019 – 08 – 03. Uskup Timika, Papua, Mgr John Philip Saklil Pr meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit Mitra Masyarakat Timika, Sabtu (3/8/2019). Baca selengkapnya di artikel “Uskup Timika John Saklil Meninggal Dunia di Rumah Sakit”,
  11. 2020 – 08 – 23. Wakil Bupati Maybrat Paskalis Kocu meninggal dunia pukul 08.00 WIT di kediamannya di sorong, Selasa (25/8/2020). Akibat kematian terjatu tiba-tiba dan tidak sadarkan diri. <;
  12. 2020 – 01 – 13. Bupati kabupaten Boven Digoel, BenediktusTambonop, ditemukan meninggal dunia, Senin (13/01/2020 di salah satu hotel bintang lima kawasan Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, akibat kematian tidak diketahui dengan jelas.
  13. 2020 – 03 – 20. Paulus Demas Mandacan Bupati Manokwari (20/4/2020), beritanya dapat diakses di <;
  14. 2020 – 9 – 19. Demas Tokoro Ketua Pokja Adat MRP (19/9/2020).
  15. 2020 – 9 – 3. Mantan Bupati jayapura Habel Melkias Suwai meninggal dunia kamis 3 september 2020 di Jakarta, akibat “Serangan jantung”.
  16. 2020 – 10 – 15. Arkelaus Asso Mantan Wakil Bupati Yalimo (15/10/2020).
  17. 2020 – Bertus Kogoya Mantan Wakil Bupati Lani Jaya (11/9/2020). Beritanya dapat diakses di <;
  18. 2020 – 11 – 14. Yairus Gwijangge Bupati Nduga, meninggal pada Minggu (14/11/2020) di jakarta. Akibat kematian karena sakit tapi tidak di jelaskan secara terperinci alias tidak jelas. <;
  19. 2020 – 12 – 14. Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (Wakasad) Letjen TNI Herman Asaribab meninggal dunia pada hari Senin (14/12/2020) di Jakarta Pusat, akibat kematian Tidak Jelas. Berita dapat dibaca di <;
  20. 2021 – 03 – Dr. Hengki Kayame, Mantan Bupati Kabupaten Paniai, Meninggal Bulan Maret 2021.
  21. 2021 – 04 – Robby Omaleng, Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Mimika Meninggal setelah Divaksinasi Pada Bulan April 2021. Berita diakses di <;
  22. 2021 – 05 – 21. Wakil Gubernur Klemen Tinal meninggal dunia di RS Abdi Waluyo Menteng, Jumat (21/5/2021) di Jakarta, akibat meninggal tidak jelas alias di duga dibunuh.
  23. 2021 – 05 – Repinus Telenggen, Mantan Bupati Kabupaten Puncak Meninggal Secara Tiba-tiba Pada Awal Bulan Mei 2021.
  24. 2021 – 06 – 20. Alex Hesegem, mantan Wakil Gubernur Papua periode 2006-2011, meninggal di RSUD Jayapura, Minggu (20/Juni/2021). akibat sakit penyakit, seperti pneumonia dan diabetes melitus.
  25. 2021 – 06 – Pendeta Yeremia Zanambani dibunuh oleh TNI pada September 2020. Berita dapat diakses di <;
  26. 2021 – 07 – 23. Mantan Bupati Biak Numfor Yusuf Melianus Maryen,S.Sos. MM meninggal dunia, Jumat (23/7/2021) di Biak, akibat kematian Sakit tapi tidak di jelaskan secara terperinci. <;
  27. 2021 – 10 – Mantan Bupati Yahukimo, Abock Busup, karena sakit,” kata Ketua Umum PAN Zulkifli Hasan kepada wartawan, Minggu (3/10/2021), di Jakarta. Akibat kematian tidak jelas.


West Papua’s Armed Struggle For Independence – A Historic Shift?

International media poses the inevitable question. The new drama prompts answers to Melanesia’s biggest nightmare.

And, Papua New Guinea may be dragged into the decades – old ‘ low – level insurgency’ fought across the border both overtly, and covertly.

Total warfare seems “imminent” in West Papua. Follow the conversation that escalated in recent months. Here:

Key points:

(1) Shortly after the announcement of the formation of a provisional and clandestine government in West Papua, Indonesia intensified its military operations in western New Guinea—in the darkness of prolonged internet blackouts.

(2) At the same time, volunteers from neighboring Papua New Guinea join West Papua’s armed struggle for independence in a historic announcement.

(3) Papua New Guinea is politically neutral in the conflict—but the volunteers’ announcement forces the central government in Port Moresby to confront Indonesia and its own stance on the West Papua issue.

The international media reported on the latest developments.

Total warfare “imminent” in West Papua – PNG dragged into the conflict…/total-warfare-imminent-in…/

By Klas Lundström

On 6 May, a battalion consisting of volunteers from Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, announced they will join the armed struggle for an independent West Papua.

It’s the first time Papuans from both sides of New Guinea’s vertical border join forces to confront Indonesia’s 60-year-old annexation of the western half of the island.

“On behalf of the citizens of Papua New Guinea, we are now standing here to declare ourselves that we are ready to go and fight against Indonesian soldiers for helping our people of West Papua,” a spokesperson for the Sepik battalion says in their announcement video.

PNG dragged into the conflict

In late April, the central Indonesian government led by President Joko Widodo officially declared that they consider every armed separatist movement in West Papua a “terrorist organization”—an announcement that occurred in the wake of heavy fighting between the Indonesian army and the West Papuan independence movement “Organisasi Papua Merdeka” (“The movement for a free West Papua”), OPM.

During the clash, Indonesian brigadier general Danny Karya Nugraha was killed, prompting President Widodo to declare swift and large-scale military retaliations. A development that has led volunteers from neighboring Papua New Guinea, PNG, to act.

“Our government [in Port Moresby] does not have an initiative to support our people of West Papua, therefore we the people of Sepik, are ready to go and support,” the spokesperson for the Sepik battalion says.

The historic announcement of volunteers joining the armed conflict for an independent West Papua pushes the boundaries for the conflict and puts PNG’s central government on the spot. Its continuing good relationship to its counterpart in Jakarta is of great concern, but even more important is to nurture PNG’s relationship to its southern neighbor Australia—who’s come to  the rescue amidst the Port Moresby government’s shortcomings in its dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic—and who officially “respects” Indonesia’s annexation of West Papua.

“The Indonesian government call them [OPM] terrorists, but they are not the terrorists—they are fighting for their land. Indonesia—you are the thief,” the Sepik battalion spokesperson says.

The voluntary battalion’s entry into the conflict now forces the central government in Port Moresby to make a political stand in the West Papua issue.

“Total warfare” imminent

Benny Wenda, West Papuan provisional President based in London, says West Papua hasn’t been so close to total warfare since the 1970s.

“The level of military operations we now see is a return to the Suharto era in the 1970s,” he tells Global Magazine.

When Benny Wenda was young, he endured Indonesia’s military raids and operations, and witnessed them firsthand. Then, Indonesian dictator Suharto enforced gross human rights violations in West Papua—e.g., in the form of using Napalm and chemical weapons and documented massacres—in the central highlands, where people are still traumatized by the chocking events.

Indonesia then tried to quell the widespread desire for West Papuan independence, but the resistance has survived and today it’s the second generation of independence fighters, born under Indonesian occupation and raised during a time of encouraged “transmigration,” in hopes of turning West Papuans into a minority on their own turf. The second generation now continues their parents’ war on Jakarta and its discharge of natural resources, most visible at the Freeport Mine, earlier known as Grasberg.

“Indonesia shuts down the internet”

Indonesia is currently deploying more troops to the military “hotspots” of the central highlands, something that’s been done in the protection of a prolonged internet blackout—which has kept telephones, social media, and information channels silent for days in the most vulnerable regions of West Papua.

The internet blackout occurred as Benny Wenda announced the formation of the historic provisional government, whose department secretaries remain anonymous as they operate inside West Papua “to undermine Indonesian rule.”

“The internet is being cut off, hundreds more troops are being deployed, and we are receiving reports that West Papuan civilians are fleeing from their villages in Intan Jaya, Puncak Jaya, and Nduga regencies,” Benny Wenda writes in a statement on 4 May.

Internet blackouts – a political tool

It’s not the first time that internet is cut and blocked in West Papua. In August and September 2019, all digital doors to West Papua were slammed shut amidst political unrest, which resulted in killings of civilians by Indonesian army and police forces.

In June, the Jakarta State Administrative Court, PTUN, ruled Indonesia’s actions as “unlawful” and a violation of the 1959 State Emergency Law to impose the internet blackout to, officially, halt the spreading of “fake news” per social media. The court ruling was historic and a testimony to the measures the Indonesian state apparatus is prepared to take, in violation of its own enacted laws, to quell dissatisfaction and exchange of information among West Papuan residents.

The current internet blackout bares no political motives, per telecom and communications service provider PT Telkom Indonesia, per Radio New Zealand’s reporting on 3 May.

A solution to the blackout in large parts of the central highlands is yet, on 6 May, to be found.

Aceh might join forced against “alleged genocide”

The armed West Papuan independence struggle might soon—in addition to volunteers from neighboring Papua New Guinea—also see recruits from Indonesian Aceh province, per sources to Global Magazine.

Aceh, the northern part of Sumatra on the Western side of the Indonesian archipelago, long waged its own independence struggle against the central government in Jakarta ever since the formation of the Indonesian Republic in the 1940s. A bloody war that resulted in a peace agreement in 2005 and increased autonomy for Aceh.

This information—although at this stage only rumors—pushes the conflict of West Papua into a new stage, on the battlefield in the central highlands as well as inside political corridors. The question is how long the outside world can continue to ignore Indonesia’s military development, West Papua’s 40,000-odd internally displaced citizens and the recurring usage of internet blackouts as a tool to halt witness accounts from the conflict’s “hotspots” in the central highlands to reach the outside world.

“The Indonesian state is conducting a program of genocide against the West Papuan people. A bloody conflict that the US, Europe and the rest of the world community must intervene to stop,” Sebby Sambon, spokesperson for the OPM, tell Global Magazine.


Papua New Guinea’s diplomacy on West Papua issue embraces international best – practice. The involvement of UN General Assembly is expected through art and craft of diplomacy to revisit the UN resolution on 1969 Act of Free Choice in which it ‘noted’ the outcome of the UN – supervised referendum on the political status of West Papua in the international system.

At the79th ACP group of countries leaders summit held in Nairobi, Kenya, PNG acceded to the unanimous resolution in which former colonized countries in Africa, Carribbean, and Pacufic agreed to support the option for West Papua to be reinstated on the list of UN Committee of 24.

West Papua was on the list but following Indonesian invasion of the former Dutch colony in 1962 it was removed. In the aftermath, the occupation industry run by Indonesian authorities and its military took over control from the Dutch.

And, for 55 years Indonesia gave the impression to the international community that the  independence struggle was a ‘ security issue’ for Indonesia and not an international issue with a colonial context.

The historic shift was inevitable.

PNG authorities scrambled to find an explanation to the drama. Read, here:

More report from PNG media is here:

For decades the freedom struggle suffered for want of internationalisation of the West Papua issue, which reached new heights in recent years with the independence struggle united under one umbrella called United Liberation Movement of West Papua or ULMWP.

(Photo caption: Indonesia’s ‘secret war’ in Australian neighbourhood, right on its doorstep, sees a historical shift from ‘ low – level insurgency’ for independence into total war with implications for West Papua proxy state of independent PNG; West Papua – since 1960s, its status as a UN Non – Self Governing Trust Territory has become a thorn for UN General Assembly and that ‘pebble in Jakarta’s shoes’; UN’s Dream or Pet Project in 1960s – West Papua was the last bastion of the free world, 55 years on today in 21st Century the former Dutch colony is qualified to be free having met the bar or measurement to put its case for self – rule to the international community including MSG and PIF through United Liberation Movement for West Papua or ULMWP)

Three Poisons in Free West Papua Campaigns (3b)

General WPRA Amunggut Tabi stated in one of the briefings to his troops at the Central Headquarters of West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) at Yako Village, Papua New Guinea that there are three poisons that have destroyed our campaigns to free West Papua, namely egoism, gossiping, and fear.

Discuss Again: Spiritual and Emotional Fear Across Melanesia

There is a mix of both spiritual and emotional fear across Melanesian peoples, in dealing with Indonesia in relation to Free West Papua campaign, but it appears that the most Melanesians actually have spiritual fear rather than emotional or natural fear.

Yes, there is natural fear among Melanesians in Papua New Guinea, but this fear only spread along the border areas between West Papua and Papua New Guinea, from Port Numbay (Indos call her Jayapura) to Maroke (Indos call her Merauke). They have seen their brothers and sisters from western side suffered, they mourned for their dead ones together, they met those fleeing from West Papua to Papua New Guinea. These make them have natural fear.

Compared to Melanesians in Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Kanaky, they have never seen any single Indonesian around. They have never met any Indonesian solider or police. They have no direct experience of contact with Indonesian peoples. They never met Melanesians from West Papua crying or fleeing.

They just read from the news, the internet and electronic media. They just heard from someone in or from West Papua. But they have fear of supporting Indonesia. They have fear, but the source of fear is from inside, fear that has no cause, but fear that comes from inside a person. The seed of this fear is inside the person, it is not from stimuli outside. It is an egocentric fear, fear related to toe ego of the person, “me”, “I”, “an-an”.

What are the actual information that make Melanesians, particularly Melanesian politicians and leaders are fearful to talk about and support West Papua?

In addition to previous three “Fear-Factors” under the sub-topic “Fear Factor in Free West Papua Campaign“, we hereby add two more factors:

  1. The number one reason : fear of supporting the cause when the campaigns and campaigners are not united. Melanesian leaders are fearful of supporting West Papua independence movement is the fractions and factions within the Free West Papua campaign organisations and individuals. They choose “wait-and-see” approach when leaders or organisations from West Papua start talking about each other and attacking each other.

    Just read the history of ULMWP membership at the MSG and you will know this is the case.
  2. The reason number two is the “fear of breaking the international laws” by supporting Melanesians in West Papua who are suffering from gross and systematic human rights violations since 1 January 1962, when Indonesia militarily invaded Western New Guinea.

    Many Melanesian leaders are wrongly convinced that West Papua is legally part of Indonesia accordion to the Act of Free Choice carried out in West Papua in 1969, therefore, those individuals, politicians, leaders who speak against Indonesia in relation to West Papua is against the international Law.

    Indonesia also emphasizes the sovereignty principle in international relations, and this forces Melanesian leaders not to speak the truth.
  3. Reason number two that makes Melanesian in general and Melanesian leaders in particular are fearful of supporting West Papua independence campaign is because they are told that Indonesia is very strong military power in the South Pacific and they carry out intelligence and military operations across the South Pacific to tame and finally finish off any Melanesian leaders who support West Papua independence. Most people will mention assassinations of Iambeki Okuk, Laurenz Dloga, Hans Bomay, Theys Eluay, Fransalbert Joku, Nicolaas Jouwe, Clements Runawery, Wim Zonggonau and many others as examples of cases that can face those who strongly support Free West Papua.

    Rumours spreading in Papua New Guinea that “Indonesia is portrayed as brutal mighty military power that can attack and destroy Papua New Guinea within a day.”
  4. The reason number three is that speaking against Indonesia will not get anything financially, but not speaking against Free West Papua Campaign will get financial benefits, women benefits and trade benefits.

    As mentioned before:
    Indonesian diplomacy is famous with double “W”, = Wang – Wanita, i.,e, money and women. Look at those diplomats speaking against Melansian top leaders. Indonesia uses young diplomats, most probably ex-prostitutes, to speak against Melanesian leaders. Look at many Melanesian leaders who used to speak very loudly against human rights violations in West Papua and for self-determination, but only a few years later, or even a few months later, their mouths shut, no more hello Wantok, no more good morning Bro, let alone speaking against Indonesia.

How to Rise Up Beyond Fear

Hon Powes Parkop, MP, the Governor of the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea is the only Melanesian politician so far who have spoken openly and continuously that both Melanesians and Indonesians “must rise up beyond fear“.

He repeatedly reiterated that fear should not rule our future. We must speak from the heart, based on the truth that West Papua independence will bring great benefits to Indonesia as a modern and civilized nation-state. He says by occupying West Papua, Indonesia becomes isolated from the rest of Melanesia. Indonesia must come out and trust that the independence of West Papua is a new important era for Indonesia to become a great nation in the South Pacific, politically and more importantly economically.

From West Papua, Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi also repeatedly speaks in various occasions that spiritual approach is the best way to defeat or rise up beyond fear.


We are still talking about the third poison in Free West Papua campaign. The last two articles talk about the poison called “fear”. The coming two more articles will still talk about “fear”, as fear is the most disturbing mental and spiritual poison and right now it is a disease that cause us all Melanesians cannot get up for our rights, and too weak to get up and speak the truth.

[…to be continued …]

Three Poisons in Free West Papua Campaigns (3a)

General WPRA Amunggut Tabi stated in one of the briefings to his troops at the Central Headquarters of West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) at Yako Village, Papua New Guinea that there are three poisons that have destroyed our campaigns to free West Papua, namely egoism, gossiping, and fear.

We have discussed the two poisons in previous articles. We have looked into how the ego and “Nabok-Kabok”, poison human beings personally and socially.

We have seen that the most poisonous for an individual is the “ego”, and the most poisonous for a society, a group of people is “nabok-kabok”, or gossiping about each other.

It is the ego that produces the second poison and the last poison called “fear”.

“Nagabete” in Lani language or fear is rooted in the same seed, i.e., ego, self-centered image (an-an). Fear is the root of the poison, whereas the previous poison, “nabok-kabok” is the stem of the poison.

Spiritual and Emotional Fear

There are two types of fear. The most known one is “natural fear” or emotional fear, for example fear of pain, fear of darkness, fear of being interrogated, and finally fear of death.

The second one is spiritual fear, that is the source of fear, fear that has no cause, but it comes from inside a person. The seed of this fear is inside the person, it is not from stimuli outside. It is an egocentric fear, fear related to toe ego of the person, “me”, “I”, “an-an”.

Characteristic of a Fearful Person

  • Egocentric person will be fearful in almost everything and towards almost everyone.
  • The self-image of the egocentric person is reflected from others, not from inside herself/ himself as the inside of the ego is already poisoned by individualistic, self-centered view of the self and of this world.
  • Egocentric person does not trust anyone and even does not trust himself/ herself. There is no trust in the self.
  • Egocentric person will be fearful that nobody will listen to him and that almost everyone is against him.

In summary, the egocentric person will make a lot of noise about something or someone. Egocentric person will see everything and everyone, including himself/ herself as a problem and will bark to everything and everyone.

Exactly like a fearful dog, the fearful person will always make noise, will always find something to talk about, we never want to talk peace.

Fear Factor in Free West Papua Campaign

The first fear that took root inside all Melanesians in New Guinea was that Indonesia is brutal military power, the biggest in Asia, therefore, be careful to think, speak or act against the powerful militaristic nation of Indonesia.

This is shared by all Melanesian leaders, the only exception is Melanesian leaders in Vanuatu and some in West Papua.

The fear of being attacked, or killed planted by Indonesian and Australian secret agents took root and we are not doing things enough to heal from this.

The second fear factor across Melanesian leaders is the “fear of breaking the international laws” by supporting Melansians in West Papua who are suffering from gross and systematic human rights violations since 1 January 1962, when Indonesia militarily invaded Western New Guinea.

The third fear factor among Melanesian leaders is not getting financial support from Indonesia, to those personal leaders. Indonesian diplomacy is famous with double “W”, = Wang – Wanita, i.,e, money and women. Look at those diplomats speaking against Melansian top leaders. Indonesia uses young diplomats, most probably ex-prostitutes, to speak against Melanesian leaders. Look at many Melanesian leaders who used to speak very loudly against human rights violations in West Papua and for self-determination, but only a few years later, or even a few months later, their mouths shut, no more hello Wantok, no more good morning Bro, let alone speaking against Indonesia..

[…to be continued …]

Gen. WPRA A. Tabi: There is No Struggle without Internal Conflict, So Do these 3 Things to Celebrate Life

The only way to end the internal conflict is to “stop from struggle” or the most extreme one is to “end” this life. Death is the beginning of peace, and birth is the beginning of conflict.

I mean conflict in a positive way, the act of balancing, of pulling and pushing, of up and down, of day and night, or male and female, of pros and cons, of sad and happy, and so on.

Gen. Tabi said there should be persons or groups that do not agree and even refuse the existence and activities of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP). We should not consider this as a problem, but we have to treat it as a task of this life to go through.

In other words, Tabi says if there is no dynamic of push – pull, up-down, like-dislike in whatever we do then you need to question “Am I alive? Am I doing something or not doing anything?”

So, he explains, when anyone disagrees with you, the first thing to do is “to thank God!”, for this life that you have does not belong to you, but you are just having this life right now, given by God, and He will take this life away from the body we have right now.

Thank Him for this life! Thank for ULMWP! thank for what we do in this life! Thank for what others are doing to us! Thank for all of it!

Then, the second thing to do is “send petition to God of what is happening right now, why and what you think about it.” If someone wants to attack you, or gossiping about you, or talking good things about you and praise you, then you must do the same thing to both parties, “Thank God and tell God about what is happening”.

Tell him everything and be glad God hears your prayers.

One important thing to remember is that the final decision should come from God. We only send petitions to Him. It is His will that should be and always be done on this life. Acknowledge this Law of Nature, the absolute Truth of God and accept it.

The third thing you should do is “forgive and forget everybody> Forgive and forget those who love, praises you! Forgive and forget those who hate, gossip and threatens you”. You forgive all, and forget all, without sentiments, without discrimination.

Tabi concinues, once you forgive and forget, both the ones that make you proud and happy and those who make you feel sad, unhappy and angry, then you will be become part of the pull-push, drag-push, up-down, bad-god, sad-happy mood and you become free from all, and become still and become pure.

You will not in a mode of fighting against the reality, but rather one of the participants in the pulse. You become yourself, not the self that others said about you or to you, and even not as you think about yourself.

If you try to act against or re-act on the opposite direction, then you are actually creating trouble for yourselves. When you pull something, you must accept that there will be push. At the time you throw a ball up, then you must know that the ball will fall down. When you do good things on this life, you must accept that there will be negative side of it. When you do your best to your people, be sure that there will be people who will not be thankful, but conversely will mock you.

That only thing we can be certain about in this life is that everything is self-balancing, automatically pulses. There is no life without pulsation, the balancing act according to the law of nature, law of life. When there is no one is against you or for you, then you must understand and accept that in fact you are not doing anything at all. There is no life in you! You are dead!

So celebrate life! Life is about struggle, moving, flowing, welcoming and refusing, happy and unhappy, worried and certain, calm and nervous, angry and love, …

Just welcome it! Just accept it. Just smile to it! Just celebrate this life!

This is the voice of the “Revolutionary Army”, that is, the revolution of the way to picture yourself, and the way you picture your world based on your self-image. This is the essence of the West Papua Revolutionary Army)

Three Poisons in Free West Papua Campaigns (2)

General WPRA Amunggut Tabi stated in one of the briefings to his troops at the Central Headquarters of West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) at Yako Village, Papua New Guinea that there are three poisons that have destroyed our campaigns to free West Papua, namely egoism, gossiping, and fear.

We have discussed the first poison in previous article. Now we look into the second poison called “Nabok-Kabok”, which literally means, talking about you and at the same time talking about me. This is the first social poison, stems from the first personal poison: ego.

The second Poison is called “Nabok-Kabok” and “Nebi-Kebi”

In Lani language of West Papua we call “nabok-kabok” telling bad stories about other people.’meaning “gossiping”, talking about fellow human, and talking about others without any clear basis and facts, we just gossip around, baseless talk about other human beings. We spread hatred, suspicion and create tensions by spreading wrong or baseless information about other people and about what they are doing.

The Lani concept of “gossip” literally means I spread gossips about you and you also spread gossips about me. There is reciprocal dynamic, cause and effect, give and receive, natural act of balancing occurring automatically.

There is hatred in gossip and there is lie in gossip, both caused by “an-an”, the previous poison that we already discussed. Gossip is groundless, baseless information about something against someone. The purpose of gossiping is to undermine someone that were are gossiping about, and demean whatever they do and even whoever they are.

In addition to lie and hatred in gossiping, there is also an element of slander in gossiping, i.e, spreading false information about someone else or something. Most gossip contain slander, but there are also gossip that contain truth. The problem here is the purpose of gossiping, not on whether or not the information is true or false.

In Lani language, it is called “nabok-kabok“, which means psychologically, that when I am telling stories about others, I am also telling stories about myself to others. In other words, by gossiping, I am showing to others who I am. If I am telling bad stories about others in my gossip, then I am as bad as the gossip. If I am a dog, I will bark, I will not whistle. Just as simple as that. If I have a problem, I will always talk about problems.

Nabok-Kabok in Free West Papua Campaign

There is no time to mention gossiping among West Papuan leaders, activists and organisations that has been happening along our independence struggle, but we want to focus on what is happening right now, per October 2020.

  1. There is gossip from the ULMWP that Octovianus Motte does not like and does not accept Benny Wenda as the chair of the ULMWP Executives, and therefore, he is creating and organising other groups against the ULMWP in general and Benny Wenda.
  2. There is gossip that Indonesia is using TPN PB OPM to destroy ULMWP and Free West Papua Campaign, and at the same time, TPN PB OPM also blame that ULMWP is an Indonesian sponsored organisation that aims at stopping West Papua from gaining independence.
  3. There is gossip that West Papua Army is an Indonesian sponsored military command, and at the same time all commanders who joined the West Papua Army blame the TPN PB OPM as fully funded by the Indonesian BIN and Kopassus.
  4. There is gossip that the “14-Stars Group” or NRFPB is already in full control of the ULMWP and that at the end of the day a free and independent West Papua will not be The Republic of West Papua but it will be The Republic of West Melanesia.
  5. There is also gossip that Buktar Tabuni and Lukas Enembe already signed agreement in order to accept dialogue to be conducted between Indonesia and Jakarta.
  6. There is gossip that Jeffry Bomanak is fully paid by Indonesia, he gets his salaries from Indonesian consulate in Vanimo and Port Moresby. Likewise there is also gossip that WPRA and WPA are fully paid by Indonesia through various business activities carried out in West Papua.
  7. There is gossip that Menase Tabuni dan Markus Haluk are paid by Indonesia inside the ULMWP in order to stop West Papua from gaining full independence.

The list can continue to hundreds and even thousands of gossips spreading around Melanesians in West Papua. We call all these “gossips”, and many of them contain slander or defamation

Defamation (also known as calumny, vilification, libel, slander or traducement) is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime.

“Nabok-Kabok” nen apuluk/ agaluk “Nebi-Kebi Endake”: Gossiping brings about Divisions

Free West Papua Campaign is full of slander, baseless and even false accusations that costed so many lives in the hands of fellow Melanesians. We have spent more time and energy spreading rumours and gossiping about each other than talking about Indonesia and what they are doing against our struggle.

Free West Papua Campaign without slander, rumours and gossiping will cost us less time, less energy, less money, and no lives.

Gossiping has divided us up. Gossiping has destroyed us personally and our groups. Gossiping has poisoned this holy and morally, democratically, legally and spiritually justifiable struggle.

Yes, the result of gossiping is division. And division is the goal of the Satan, Lucifer. As we recall the Biblical story, we see the Lucifer’s ambition to become the same as God has failed. His work to colonise human beings also failed because Jesus has died on the cross and has risen from the death, and has ascended to have, and have promised to come back to judge and throw him and his followers to hell, and take all believers to heaven.

Whenever there is gossiping, of course there is division. We recall the Biblical history. When Lucifer came to Eve, he started gossiping about God, by twisting some words from the Bible, which caused Eve to twist and then misinterpret the outcome of falling into the Devil’s trap. This gossiping aused deadliest separation between God and men. Human race fell into sin and became separated from God.

The Bible in Genesis 1:1-3 records the conversation between Eve and Lucifer as follows

Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’ ”
2 The woman answered the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden,
3 but about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die.’ ”…


The question from Lucifer added “any tree” even though God only said “only one tree” that human should never eat. In reply, Eve said, “…you must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die”. God never said anything about touching it, He spoke about eating it. There are additions to the truth. This brought about sin. This brought about division between God and human race.

Exactly the same pattern operates today in our lives, particularly in our campaigns to Free West Papua. When we add ingredients to our cooking, then the taste of the food changes from its original pure taste into new taste, from united, loving and kindness in Jesus Christ, as fellow human beings and fellow Melanesians into division hatred and even threat to each other.

What a game we are in!

Psychologically, the basis for gossiping is still the same, “the ego”. We are in service to our own ego

And the outcome of gossiping is also the same “we fall into sin”, we commit sin, we become sinners. It divides us up, it indicates that we are not trustworthy, it shows that we are murderer, we have wickedness in our hearts, we are full of hatred against others.

And the outcome of gossiping is we exhaust our energy, we waste our energy and finally we reach nothing but hatred, division and failure.

  • Egocentric person or leader will be happy and will make gossiping as the his/ hear staple food.
  • Egocentric person or leader will be happy to see his competitor get nothing, his/ her opponent is kicked out or disliked or hated by others.
  • Egocentric person or leader will start his discussions by pointing problems and mistakes committed by his opponents or his potential competitor.

“Ego” is the source of slander and gossip. Ego is the mother of gossiping. Spreading unsubstantiated and false information about others serves the ego of the person spreading it, talking about it, and enjoying it.

In other words, anybody or any leader who are not egocentric will never spread rumours and engaged in gossiping about other leaders, fellow Independence fighters.

“Nabok-Kabok” is a Social Decease, Stems from Personal Poison Called “Ego”

It was mentioned before that “gossiping” is a poison, but it is actually a disease. “a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location…” <;

The famous Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, “A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to any immediate external injury.” <;

“Nabok-Kabok” is a social decease, stems from poison number 1: the “ego”. It is a personal poison, that produces a social poison called “nabok-kabok”.

The outcome of this disease creates a new poison called “slander, rumours and gossip”. So gossip become poison when the people who gossip become addicted to it, and then become used to gossiping, and finally they “enjoy gossiping”.

“Nabok-Kabok” Creates “Nabi-Kebi” as is the Deadliest Social Poison in a Struggle for Collective Cause

As stated above, Lucifer crated gossip about what God has said about fruits in the Garden. Even also said something in addition to what God really said. This turns and shifting from truth into gossip created division between God and human. The same formula applies to human lives. When we spread rumours, create slanders, start gossiping each other, we are creating a social disease called “division”.

The term “nebi-kebi” in Lani language means, I do not like you and you do not like me, I hate you and you hate me. This creates what Indonesians called “musuh dalam kelambu”, i.e., enemies in our own sleeping nets.

“Nebik-Kebi” comes from the Seed called “Ego”, through the root called “Fear”, into the Stem Called “Nabok-Kabok” that BRINGS ABOUT “DEath”

That is the “death” of human beings, the death of a struggle, death of the collective mission and efforts. Death to the mission, death to the vision, death to the collective struggle, and even death to the persons gossiping.

The cause and effect continues, “nebi-kebi” causes hatred and other destructive and deadly minds, rhetoric and actions. “Nebi-kebi” can cause killing each other among fellow independence fighters.

Now is YOUR JOB Readers

  1. Notice when Benny Wenda speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  2. Notice when Octovianus Motte speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  3. Notice when Chief Gen. WPRA Mathias Wenda speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  4. Notice when Jeffry Pagawak speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  5. Notice when Victor Yeimo speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  6. Notice when Sebby Sambom speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  7. Notice when Egianus Kogeya speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  8. Notice when Nggoliar Tabuni speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  9. Notice when Buktar Tabuni speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody
  10. Notice when any leader speaks to you and make a public statement about anything or anybody

Pay close attention to their choice of words, their attention, their gestures or their logic. Look at what they say,

  • Are they really talking against Indonesia?
  • Are they really talking to free West Papua?
  • Are they doing something else other than the above two?

This to avoid in this kind of exercise are as follows:

  1. Kill your personal and group ego first. If not you will find it hard to accept what is written here. If you find it hard, you must pray to God to forgive and to forget.
  2. Pray for forgiveness, forgive the person who is talking and ask for forgiveness for yourself.
  3. Focus on whether or not the speaker is talking about
    1. “to free West Papua”? or
    2. to fight againt Indonesia”? or
    3. to fight each other among Melanesians ourselves?

Last Note

  • What should be done with the poison of egocentric leader?
  • What should be done with the poison of egocentric military command?
  • What is the third poison?
  • What is the Biblical references to gossip, slander and spreading rumours?
  • What should be done with gossips, rumours and divisions already existing withing Melanesians from West Papua in this struggle for independence from Indonesian neo-colonial rule?

[…to be continued….]

Further Reading

Three Poisons in Free West Papua Campaigns (1)

General WPRA Amunggut Tabi stated in one of the briefings to his troops at the Central Headquarters of West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) at Yako Village, Papua New Guinea that there are three poisons that have destroyed our campaigns to free West Papua, namely egoism, gossiping, and fear.

The first one is the Poison called “An-An”

In Lani language of West Papua it is called “An-an“, i.e., only me, nobody else. Let us remember two stories in the Bible One is the fall of the Lucifer as the Leader of all Praise and Worship before God. And the second is the fall of human race into sin.

Lucifer is the closest Angel to God of all angels. He said, “An Ala nda’ndak arikit!,” mbaregerak, which means he chose by himself, to become the same as God. He said, “I want to become the same as God!” This is called “an-an” or egocentric statement, egocentric ambition.

A second story of poisoning recorded the Bible can be found in Genesis Chapter 3. In the Garden of Eden, when Lucifer came to the first woman namely Eve and said.

5“For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”…

Lucifer implanted the same egocentric disease of “becoming the same as God” from himself to human race. And this poison made Eve fall into sin and she ate the fruit. The story continues, Adam also wanted to become “God” and that was why he also ate the fruit.

This poison of “wanting to become God” is with us all human beings. Psychologically, it is called “ego”. This is why books have been written on how to control, how to address and even how to defeat the self ego before defeating the enemy outside. Ego is seen as the enemy of the self.

Gen. Tabi said egocentric leaders would think the following:

  1. There is nobody else that can do best to free West Papua. Only myself that can free West Papua.
  2. I do not trust anybody else, they are incapable to free West Papua. I am suspicious of those others being paid and used by Indonesia. I only trust myself, therefore, I am the only best person to free West Papua.
  3. This is my effort, my work, my own idea, my concept, my property, therefore, I must be the leader, the commander, the chairman, the president, nobody else to take up this position, because I am the one who brought this struggle to this level of achievements.’
  4. I am the only person in or from West Papua that is capable of doing things I am doing. Nothing will happen like this without me.

With these mindset, they wil say like this in public

  1. I am the Commander in Chief, and I am the only one, nobody else, will free West Papua;
  2. I am the Chair of the ULMWP, and I am the only one, nobody else, will free West Papua; if you replace me, you will not be free from colonialism, so propose whatever arguments to make me be in this position.
  3. We are the only organisation that is capable of freeing West Papua, therefore, any organisation or groups that campaign for West Papua independence must join. Those who do not join us must be wiped out.

Ego is aPosion

Listen, I did not say this is a virus. I did not say this as a disease. But I said, this is a poison. Do you know what poison does?

Here is what Wikipedia, the Free Online Encyclopedia says about poison:

The term “poison” is often used colloquially to describe any harmful substance—particularly corrosive substances, carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens and harmful pollutants, and to exaggerate the dangers of chemicals. …

Similarly, definis poison as follows

Poison, in biochemistry, a substance, natural or synthetic, that causes damage to living tissues and has an injurious or fatal effect on the body, whether it is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed or injected through the skin.

Egocentric is a harmful substance in a collective struggle for collective goal such as Free West Papua Campaign. When everybody within the struggle are strongly attached to the struggle, then it becomes so personal, so egocentric and thus so destructive.

It is a “bio” and “chemistry”, it exists in living being, (bio) and it is chemical.It causes damage to living tissues. Egocentric individuals, egocentric leaders are poisonous. They destroy living tissues in a struggle.

A strong ego is important for self-confidence and strong leadership, but too much egoism is a poison.

Now, look inside you

Look at the military commanders in West Papua, look at the chair of the leaders within Free West Papua Campaign such as

  1. The Leader of the Parliament,
  2. The Leader of the ULMWP Exectutives,
  3. The Leader of the OPM,
  4. The President/ Prime Minister of the NRFPB,
  5. the Chair/ Leaders of the KNPB, and others.

If you are one of those who do not want to follow the constitution of your organisations and want to prolong your leadership term, then you should acknowledge that you are egocentric leader.

Gen. Tabi continues,

If you are one of those who never change your position and always stay there for more than 10 years, then you are a poisonous fighter. And that egocentric leader is a poison in your your own struggle to free your country and people. The one defeating you is inside you, not outside you!.

So first, you attach every success and progress made so far in the history of West Papua independence movement to yourself, to the ego that is inside you.

And second, you, therefore, defend your ego as the “only one” that can finally free West Papua, and therefore, you want to become the chair, the spokesperson, the commander, the top leader for so long, over the your term. You make efforts to serve your egocentric leadership. Remember that by doing this, you become a poison in the overall movement.

  • What should be done with the poison of egocentric leader?
  • What should be done with the poison of egocentric military command?
  • What are the second and third poisons?

[…to be continued….]

“West Papua Constitution Must be in Effect before Special Autonomy Law Ends”, says Gen. Tabi

Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi from Central Defence Headquarters of West Papua Army says the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of West Papua must be ready towards the end of the Special Autonomy Law and before Indonesia legalizes the Special Autonomy Law III from January 1, 2121.

Special Autonomy Law I began on 1 May 1963, when the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority (UNTEA) handed over West Irian to Indonesia and Indonesia promised the United Nations and the Netherlands that Indonesia will build West Papua within 25 years, then Indonesia will allow a referendum for self-determination be conducted.

This law ended 14 December 1988, this was why Dr. Thomas Wapai Wainggai proclaimed the Independence of West Papua Country.

Special Autonomy II started on 1 December 2001, based on UU Otsus No. 21/2001 which was legalised in November 2001 by Megawati Sukarnoputri. This special autonomy law is effective for 20 years, therefore, it will end this year (2020).

Special Autonomy III will begin from 2021.

This is why West Papua Indepdendence movement organisation such as TPN PB OPM under Jeffry Bomanak or ULMWP under Benny Wenda must make sure that West Papua has a formal constitution, recognized and accepted by many parties in West Papua and the people of West PApua in order to apply into the region of the Republic of West Papua.

When asked about his position on Jeffry Bomanak, Gen. Tabi says it is not time anymore to talk about differences within West Papuan people.

We have wasted to a lot of valuable time in thinking and talking about internal frictions and this make us have no energy and no time to even think about how to fight Indonesian, let alone the actual fighting,

All Melanesians in West Papua are now focusing on Special Autonomy Law and West Papua independence. We are all one One People – One Soul, we are only different in approaches and methods to gain independence, but the people and the goal or soul just one and the same for all of us

Only Indonesia and her supporters want to call this differences as factionalism and internal conflicts.

says Tabi.

He emphasizes that ULMWP or OPM must have a clear, legitimate, publicly recognized constitution for West Papua, clear and legitimate government established based on this constitution and announce this to the world. This constitution and government should go international and seek recognition from global community.

Tabi says, “This is the only way forward on the table. No more bloodshed, no more bloody conflicts. We want to resolve problems in a civilized manner”.

Asked about the statement from former Vice-President of Indonesia that wants to hold dialogues with all parties in West Papua, Gen. Tabi says he has no capacity and no duty to talk anything political. He proposes to ask Benny Wenda or Jeffery Bomanak.

When asked Gen. Tabi whether or not he is happy with what the ULMWP is doing with West Papua Army (WPA), he says, “Surely my Commander-in-Chief, Gen. WPRA Mathias Wenda is not so happy. I am so unhappy. Almost all military commands in West Papua are unhappy.”

Asked whether or not WPA will approach TPN PB OPM under Jeffry Bomay, Gen. Tabi says no answer this far, but at least all commands campaigning for West Papua independence have one ancestral line, one nation, one goal: to free West Papua from colonialism.


Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi: Why Does the ULMWP Let West Papua Army with No Commander for over 12 Months?

Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi has questioned the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULWMP) for not announcing the Commander in Chief of the military command that has been formed almost two years ago in the WPRA (West Papua Revolutionary Army) Headquarters in Yako Village, Sandaun Province, the independent State of Papua New Guinea.

He says the delay in announcing the commander in chief has shown to the world that the ULMWP is playing with the suffering and struggles of all Melanesians in West Papua.

Melanesians in West Papua are being terrorized, oppressed, imprisoned and arrested arbitrarily, and even killed, almost on the daily basis. West Papua Army should be responsible to organize guerrilla warfare against the human rights violations in West Papua, but it has been paralyzed and imprisoned, cannot do anything other than waiting for the ULMWP to announce the commander-in-chief and organisational structure with the constitution that legalizes and protects its military campaigns.

Gen. Tabi argues that if the ULMWP believes that military campaign is important for any independence movement in the world, then it would have announced the commander right on the spot, when they were holding the meeting. But they are playing politics, that is why it is taking more than 12 months to announce it.

After the ULMWP Summit for military wing, the ULMWP announced to the world that a military wing was formed from various military commands and united under the ULMWP However it never announced the commander of the united military command.


There are three possible answers:

  1. Answer number one : the ULMWP does not believe military campaign will solve the problem. It focuses more on political campaign and by diplomacy only Indonesia will end its control over West Papua. ULMWP believes that only by becoming the MSG member, by pushing the MSG and PIF leaders that will allow Indonesia to surrender.
  2. Answer number two: the ULMWP does not know what to do with the outcome of the Summit almost two years ago. The ULMWP does not understand how important it is to make the military command and military commander clear, because West Papua is still struggling for independence.
  3. Answer number three: the Indonesian secret agents have infiltrated into the ULMWP and the ULMWP is now under full control of the Indonesian agents.

There are many more possible answers, but Gen. Tabi says these three possible answers can help us to act or react as we progress from time to time.

We must stop thinking that ULMWP will finally free West Papua. From what it is doing so far, one can easily raise suspicion on its conduct. Only God is the omnipotent that can free us from any kinds and forms of colonialism, Jesus is the Only Peson on earth that says “I am the Way, I am the Truth and I am the Life”, He is the Most High Revolutionary Commander of all times, only the Holy Spirit has the power and can change the history on earth.We must pray more, surrender more and more to God.

West Papua Revolutionary Army is waiting to see if the ULMWP is serious about a free and independent West Papua, whether or not the ULMWP regards military command and military structure is crucial in an independent campaign against mighty militaristic government of Indonesia. If not, the Commander in Chief of the WPRA, Gen. WPRA Mathias Wenda is ready to take control of the overall independence movement.

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