Three Poisons in Free West Papua Campaigns (3b)

General WPRA Amunggut Tabi stated in one of the briefings to his troops at the Central Headquarters of West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) at Yako Village, Papua New Guinea that there are three poisons that have destroyed our campaigns to free West Papua, namely egoism, gossiping, and fear.

Discuss Again: Spiritual and Emotional Fear Across Melanesia

There is a mix of both spiritual and emotional fear across Melanesian peoples, in dealing with Indonesia in relation to Free West Papua campaign, but it appears that the most Melanesians actually have spiritual fear rather than emotional or natural fear.

Yes, there is natural fear among Melanesians in Papua New Guinea, but this fear only spread along the border areas between West Papua and Papua New Guinea, from Port Numbay (Indos call her Jayapura) to Maroke (Indos call her Merauke). They have seen their brothers and sisters from western side suffered, they mourned for their dead ones together, they met those fleeing from West Papua to Papua New Guinea. These make them have natural fear.

Compared to Melanesians in Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Kanaky, they have never seen any single Indonesian around. They have never met any Indonesian solider or police. They have no direct experience of contact with Indonesian peoples. They never met Melanesians from West Papua crying or fleeing.

They just read from the news, the internet and electronic media. They just heard from someone in or from West Papua. But they have fear of supporting Indonesia. They have fear, but the source of fear is from inside, fear that has no cause, but fear that comes from inside a person. The seed of this fear is inside the person, it is not from stimuli outside. It is an egocentric fear, fear related to toe ego of the person, “me”, “I”, “an-an”.

What are the actual information that make Melanesians, particularly Melanesian politicians and leaders are fearful to talk about and support West Papua?

In addition to previous three “Fear-Factors” under the sub-topic “Fear Factor in Free West Papua Campaign“, we hereby add two more factors:

  1. The number one reason : fear of supporting the cause when the campaigns and campaigners are not united. Melanesian leaders are fearful of supporting West Papua independence movement is the fractions and factions within the Free West Papua campaign organisations and individuals. They choose “wait-and-see” approach when leaders or organisations from West Papua start talking about each other and attacking each other.

    Just read the history of ULMWP membership at the MSG and you will know this is the case.
  2. The reason number two is the “fear of breaking the international laws” by supporting Melanesians in West Papua who are suffering from gross and systematic human rights violations since 1 January 1962, when Indonesia militarily invaded Western New Guinea.

    Many Melanesian leaders are wrongly convinced that West Papua is legally part of Indonesia accordion to the Act of Free Choice carried out in West Papua in 1969, therefore, those individuals, politicians, leaders who speak against Indonesia in relation to West Papua is against the international Law.

    Indonesia also emphasizes the sovereignty principle in international relations, and this forces Melanesian leaders not to speak the truth.
  3. Reason number two that makes Melanesian in general and Melanesian leaders in particular are fearful of supporting West Papua independence campaign is because they are told that Indonesia is very strong military power in the South Pacific and they carry out intelligence and military operations across the South Pacific to tame and finally finish off any Melanesian leaders who support West Papua independence. Most people will mention assassinations of Iambeki Okuk, Laurenz Dloga, Hans Bomay, Theys Eluay, Fransalbert Joku, Nicolaas Jouwe, Clements Runawery, Wim Zonggonau and many others as examples of cases that can face those who strongly support Free West Papua.

    Rumours spreading in Papua New Guinea that “Indonesia is portrayed as brutal mighty military power that can attack and destroy Papua New Guinea within a day.”
  4. The reason number three is that speaking against Indonesia will not get anything financially, but not speaking against Free West Papua Campaign will get financial benefits, women benefits and trade benefits.

    As mentioned before:
    Indonesian diplomacy is famous with double “W”, = Wang – Wanita, i.,e, money and women. Look at those diplomats speaking against Melansian top leaders. Indonesia uses young diplomats, most probably ex-prostitutes, to speak against Melanesian leaders. Look at many Melanesian leaders who used to speak very loudly against human rights violations in West Papua and for self-determination, but only a few years later, or even a few months later, their mouths shut, no more hello Wantok, no more good morning Bro, let alone speaking against Indonesia.

How to Rise Up Beyond Fear

Hon Powes Parkop, MP, the Governor of the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea is the only Melanesian politician so far who have spoken openly and continuously that both Melanesians and Indonesians “must rise up beyond fear“.

He repeatedly reiterated that fear should not rule our future. We must speak from the heart, based on the truth that West Papua independence will bring great benefits to Indonesia as a modern and civilized nation-state. He says by occupying West Papua, Indonesia becomes isolated from the rest of Melanesia. Indonesia must come out and trust that the independence of West Papua is a new important era for Indonesia to become a great nation in the South Pacific, politically and more importantly economically.

From West Papua, Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi also repeatedly speaks in various occasions that spiritual approach is the best way to defeat or rise up beyond fear.


We are still talking about the third poison in Free West Papua campaign. The last two articles talk about the poison called “fear”. The coming two more articles will still talk about “fear”, as fear is the most disturbing mental and spiritual poison and right now it is a disease that cause us all Melanesians cannot get up for our rights, and too weak to get up and speak the truth.

[…to be continued …]

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