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Press Release: West Papuan Provisional Government forms cabinet and departments in blow to Indonesian rule

April 30, 2021 in Press Release

The Provisional Government of West Papua has announced the formation of a full cabinet commanding 12 government departments throughout the country. The newly-created departments, ranging from Green State Policy to Defense, deepen the challenge to Indonesia’s illegal occupation of West Papua.

After announcing the formation of the Provisional Government on December 1, 2020, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has been building up governance capacities inside the colonised territory. The latest move comes after President Jokowi ordered a ‘crackdown’ in West Papua in response to the killing of an Indonesian intelligence chief.

A number of prominent West Papuans inside the country have been appointed to the cabinet, led by Interim President Benny Wenda and the Interim Prime Minister. The ministers will cover the following portfolios:

  • Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of Environment and Green State Policy
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Department of Rights of All Beings and Justice
  • Department of Political Affairs
  • Department of Indonesia Affairs
  • Department of Melanesia Affairs
  • Department of Women Affairs
  • Department of Social and Cultural Affairs
  • Department of Police
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Finance

Due to the intense political repression of the Indonesian regime, the names of the cabinet ministers are not being released. The departments are working underground in West Papua to undermine Indonesian rule from the inside. The Department of Foreign Affairs will command the ULMWP’s network of diplomatic missions across the world, including the EU, UK, US and Pacific.

The Department of Defense will command the united West Papua Army. The military commanders will include:

  • Supreme Commander Chief General Mathias Wenda
  • Deputy Supreme Commander General Goliat. Tabuni
  • Chief of Staff Colonel Amos Sorondany
  • First Deputy Chief of Staff General Titus Murib
  • Second Deputy Chief of Staff General Brigen Fredinan Warobay
  • Third Deputy Chief of Staff General Abubakarak Omawi Wenda
  • Fourth Deputy Chief of Staff Mayor General Terianus Satto

The commanders today announce their commitment to operating within international humanitarian law and the laws of armed conflict, and their support for a peaceful approach to resolving the conflict.

The announcement comes on May 1, the anniversary of the Indonesian invasion of West Papua in 1963, commemorated annually by the West Papuan people.

Interim President Wenda said: ‘On the 58th anniversary of the illegal Indonesian invasion of our country, we take another step towards reclaiming our homeland. We are forming the world’s first Green State, able to protect the rights and life of all beings in place of an Indonesian occupation that has murdered hundreds of thousands of my people. Human rights and climate justice will be at the heart of our Provisional Government.’

Find full statement by Interim President Wenda on the announcement here.

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Komando Pasukan Operasi Khusus WPRA Siap Berdoa Puasa untuk Pemulihan Papua

Sebagai bagian dari operasi khusus, maka dari Markas Pusat Pertahanan Tentara Revolusioner West Papua (TRWP) atau West Papua Revoluationary Army (WPRA) lewat Komandan Operasi Khusus mengumumkan kepada dunia secara umum dan khususnya kepada bangsa Papua bahwa

Kami dari Komando Pasukan Operasi Khusus West Papua Revolutionary Army telah siap dan akan bergabung secara massal dalam Doa dan Puasa yang diumumkan Jaringan Doa Rekonsiliasi untuk Pemulihan Papua.

Menurut Pasukan Operasi Khusus, unit Komando Opsus dibentuk tahun 2010 dengan tujuan untuk menjalankan operasi-operasi khusus, terutama operasi-operasi di luar kegiatan militer dalam rangka memfasilitasi kegiatan operasi militer, dalam bentuk operasi secara rohani, operasi dalam bindang ekonomi dan operasi-operasi di luar jalur militer lainnya.

Didapati dalam perjalanan waktu bahwa sejak pertengahan 2020 telah muncul Jaringan Doa untuk Pemulihan dan Rekonsiliasi Bangsa Papua yang dikepalai oleh salah satu orang tokoh perjuangan bangsa Papua, yaitu Selvius Bobii.

Menurut Komando Operasi Khusus WPRA, seluruh pasukan Operasi Khusus akan terlibat dalam doa puasa selama 40 hari mulai 4 April sampai 14 Mei 2021.

Komando Pasukan Khusus WPRA menghimbau kepada seluruh pasukan gerilyawan Papua Merdeka untuk terus berjuang secara fisik dengan mengangkat senjata, dan dalam waktu yang sama pula haruslah ada pasukan khusus yang berperang secara rohani, untuk melawan principalities dan empires yang menguasai lapisan surga kedua di angkasa, di mana Lucifer bertahta dan menjalankan pemerintahannya.

Doa-doa untuk pemulihan, rekonsiliasi dan kemenangan atas Indonesia haruslah tembus sampai kepada Allah. Dan untuk itu perlu banyak berdoa dan berpuasa. Mulai tahun 2021, kita jadikan sebagai tahun doa dan puasa.

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Three Poisons in Free West Papua Campaigns (3b)

General WPRA Amunggut Tabi stated in one of the briefings to his troops at the Central Headquarters of West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) at Yako Village, Papua New Guinea that there are three poisons that have destroyed our campaigns to free West Papua, namely egoism, gossiping, and fear.

Discuss Again: Spiritual and Emotional Fear Across Melanesia

There is a mix of both spiritual and emotional fear across Melanesian peoples, in dealing with Indonesia in relation to Free West Papua campaign, but it appears that the most Melanesians actually have spiritual fear rather than emotional or natural fear.

Yes, there is natural fear among Melanesians in Papua New Guinea, but this fear only spread along the border areas between West Papua and Papua New Guinea, from Port Numbay (Indos call her Jayapura) to Maroke (Indos call her Merauke). They have seen their brothers and sisters from western side suffered, they mourned for their dead ones together, they met those fleeing from West Papua to Papua New Guinea. These make them have natural fear.

Compared to Melanesians in Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Kanaky, they have never seen any single Indonesian around. They have never met any Indonesian solider or police. They have no direct experience of contact with Indonesian peoples. They never met Melanesians from West Papua crying or fleeing.

They just read from the news, the internet and electronic media. They just heard from someone in or from West Papua. But they have fear of supporting Indonesia. They have fear, but the source of fear is from inside, fear that has no cause, but fear that comes from inside a person. The seed of this fear is inside the person, it is not from stimuli outside. It is an egocentric fear, fear related to toe ego of the person, “me”, “I”, “an-an”.

What are the actual information that make Melanesians, particularly Melanesian politicians and leaders are fearful to talk about and support West Papua?

In addition to previous three “Fear-Factors” under the sub-topic “Fear Factor in Free West Papua Campaign“, we hereby add two more factors:

  1. The number one reason : fear of supporting the cause when the campaigns and campaigners are not united. Melanesian leaders are fearful of supporting West Papua independence movement is the fractions and factions within the Free West Papua campaign organisations and individuals. They choose “wait-and-see” approach when leaders or organisations from West Papua start talking about each other and attacking each other.

    Just read the history of ULMWP membership at the MSG and you will know this is the case.
  2. The reason number two is the “fear of breaking the international laws” by supporting Melanesians in West Papua who are suffering from gross and systematic human rights violations since 1 January 1962, when Indonesia militarily invaded Western New Guinea.

    Many Melanesian leaders are wrongly convinced that West Papua is legally part of Indonesia accordion to the Act of Free Choice carried out in West Papua in 1969, therefore, those individuals, politicians, leaders who speak against Indonesia in relation to West Papua is against the international Law.

    Indonesia also emphasizes the sovereignty principle in international relations, and this forces Melanesian leaders not to speak the truth.
  3. Reason number two that makes Melanesian in general and Melanesian leaders in particular are fearful of supporting West Papua independence campaign is because they are told that Indonesia is very strong military power in the South Pacific and they carry out intelligence and military operations across the South Pacific to tame and finally finish off any Melanesian leaders who support West Papua independence. Most people will mention assassinations of Iambeki Okuk, Laurenz Dloga, Hans Bomay, Theys Eluay, Fransalbert Joku, Nicolaas Jouwe, Clements Runawery, Wim Zonggonau and many others as examples of cases that can face those who strongly support Free West Papua.

    Rumours spreading in Papua New Guinea that “Indonesia is portrayed as brutal mighty military power that can attack and destroy Papua New Guinea within a day.”
  4. The reason number three is that speaking against Indonesia will not get anything financially, but not speaking against Free West Papua Campaign will get financial benefits, women benefits and trade benefits.

    As mentioned before:
    Indonesian diplomacy is famous with double “W”, = Wang – Wanita, i.,e, money and women. Look at those diplomats speaking against Melansian top leaders. Indonesia uses young diplomats, most probably ex-prostitutes, to speak against Melanesian leaders. Look at many Melanesian leaders who used to speak very loudly against human rights violations in West Papua and for self-determination, but only a few years later, or even a few months later, their mouths shut, no more hello Wantok, no more good morning Bro, let alone speaking against Indonesia.

How to Rise Up Beyond Fear

Hon Powes Parkop, MP, the Governor of the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea is the only Melanesian politician so far who have spoken openly and continuously that both Melanesians and Indonesians “must rise up beyond fear“.

He repeatedly reiterated that fear should not rule our future. We must speak from the heart, based on the truth that West Papua independence will bring great benefits to Indonesia as a modern and civilized nation-state. He says by occupying West Papua, Indonesia becomes isolated from the rest of Melanesia. Indonesia must come out and trust that the independence of West Papua is a new important era for Indonesia to become a great nation in the South Pacific, politically and more importantly economically.

From West Papua, Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi also repeatedly speaks in various occasions that spiritual approach is the best way to defeat or rise up beyond fear.


We are still talking about the third poison in Free West Papua campaign. The last two articles talk about the poison called “fear”. The coming two more articles will still talk about “fear”, as fear is the most disturbing mental and spiritual poison and right now it is a disease that cause us all Melanesians cannot get up for our rights, and too weak to get up and speak the truth.

[…to be continued …]

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May 1st Declaration of the Formation of West Papua Army (WPA)

The ULMWP Announced the formation of WPA on July 1st, 2019

Be known to the world that a United Military Command for a Free and independent Nation-State of the Republic of West Papua has been form on May 1, 2019 that we call the May 1 Declaration of West Papuan Peoples.

— Oscar Wilde.

This announcement was made by the Spokesperson of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) Dr. Jacob Rumbiak in Australia.

West Papua Army was formed after a series of Extraordinary Summits held among the High Ranking Officials of the West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA), the armed wing of Free West Papua Campaign, West Papua National Liberation Army – Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPN PB) – Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) and West Papua National Army – Tentara Nasoinal Papua Barat (TNPB) of the Federal Republic of West Papua.

The Summit was held at Yako Village, nearby Vanimo Town, Sandaun or West Sepik Province of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.

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WPCIS Warns Vanuatu Government of Ousted ULMWP Leaders Soon Visiting Vanuatu Sponsored by Indonesia

Markus Haluk, Willem Rumaseb, Menase Tabuni, Delius tabuni, M. Wenda

From the Central Operations Headquarters of WPCIS (West Papua Central Intelligence Services), a warning was send by WPCIS Director that ousted ULMWP Leaders, namely Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni and Octovianus Motte will be visiting Vanuatu soon under sponsorship of Indonesian government.

In response to the election of Indonesian sponsored leaders at the ULMWP Summit in Port Vila, Vanuatu, which successfully appointed Indonesian selected ULMWP leaders, the Seven Presidents of Seven West Papua Cultural Regions held the First ULMWP Congress in Port Numbay, West Papua, and have elected Honourable Benny Wenda as the President of ULMWP Provisional Government, and Reverend Edison Waromi, S.H. as the Prime Minister of the ULMWP Provisional Government, unanimously and democratically.

The congress was organised by the Chair of West Papua Congress, Honourable Buchtar Tabuni, upon direct request of the Presidents of Seven Cultural Regions of West Papua. The Seven Regional Presidents are the custodians or Papa Graun of the seven regions, who holds the highest power based on the Constitution of the ULMWP Provisional Government.

The current visit being organised and fully funded by Indonesia, sending the “ousted ULMWP leader, namely Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni and Octovianus Motte” is the follow up actions after fully funding the ULMWP Summit II in Port Vila recently, and the main goal is to isolate and domesticate West Papua issue became local and domestic issue inside West Papua and that the “so-called constructive dialogue” is already happening inside West Papua, between the ousted ULMWP leaders and Indonesia.

The main purpose of Indonesia is to stop MSG leaders from visiting West Papua, to witness directly in the field of what is happening inside West Papua.

The “ousted ULMWP leaders” have been working for Indonesia since 2000 and they are fully paid by Indonesia to assist Indonesia isolate and domesticate West Papua issue become internal domestic issue of Indonesia.

The WPCIS director, therefore, requests all members of Vanuatu Free Wet Papua Association and ULMWP Provisional Government ministers residing in Vanuatu as well as Vanuatu government officials to refuse such humiliating move using the name of ULMWP, but actually serving the interests of Jakarta, under Jakarta funding.

It is important to note, that those ousted ULMWP leaders mostly spend their time in Jakarta, have houses in Jakarta, and can freely travel in and out Indonesia, most often free of charge (being paid under special arrangements by the Indonesian intelligence agency – BIN).

Melanesians have to stand up now, against pouring of blood money coming from West Papua, brought by Indonesia, to make us become cannibals ourselves, to eat and drink our own blood money, to become politicians and prime ministers and ministers using our own blood money.

It is time now to stand up with Israel and West Papua, to speak and defend the truth. Set aside Mammon, development projects, luxury and prosperity coming from Melanesian blood spilt in West Papua. It is time to decide before God, Satan, Islamic Jihad and its State-Sponsor and State-Terrorist Indonesia, to make it clear, “Are we really Christians?” and “Is out country really a Christian country?”

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Upacara 1 Desember 2023 Oleh Elite Battalion 001 West Papua Army (WPA)

Setelah berhasil mengamankan keberlangsungan Kongres Rakyat Papua IV atau Kongres ULMWP I di Port Numbay, West Papua, yang telah menghasilkan Keputusan Kongres sebagai legitimasi tertinggi dalam wadah ULMWP, maka Battalion Elite WPA, dengan sandi Battallion 001 ini telah melakukan Upacarea Militer Resmi pada 1 Desember 2023 di Port Numbay, West Papua, dan telah mendapatkan ucapan terimakasih dari Presiden Pemerintah Sementara ULMWP, Hon Benny Wenda.

Sebanyak 100 prajurit WPA dari Batallion 001 menuntaskan pengibaran Bendera Sang Bintang Kejora dengan sukses, aman dan penuh khikmat, dibuka dan ditutup dengan doa.

Inspektur Upacara dari Perwira Tinggi West Papua Army membacakan Sambutan Sekretaris-Jenderal West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA), Komando Afiliasi Wet Papua Army. Dikatakan dalam sambutan bahwa tugas prajurit adalah mengamankan perintah Konstitusi dengan agenda perjuangan bangsa Papua dan mengamankan para pemimpin dan kegiatan-kegiatan para pemimpin, tanpa membeda-bedakan kegiatan itu dari organisasi atau pemimpin mana-pun, sepanjang itu dilakukan untuk pembebasan, maka pasukan WPA wajib mengamankannya.

Profesionalisme seorang prajurit dilihat dari ketaatannya kepada aturan dan tunduk kepada perintah. Prajurit yang tidak mendengarkan atau melawan perintah bukan tentara. Prajurit yang tidak tunduk kepada Undang-Undang atau aturan juga bukan prajurit sejati.

Dalam pada itu, Sekretaris-Jenderal WPRA, General Amunggut Tabi menyatakan sikap West Papua Army adalah sepenuhnya dan seutuhnya berpihak kepada Israel sebagai bangsa perjanjian Allah karena bangsa Papua ialah bangsa penggenapan, yang dipilih oleh Allah. Setelah babgsan Israel dipilih, maka seluruh pekerjaan penebusan digenapi berdasarkan Amanat Agung Yesus sebagai Panglima Mahatinggi Komando Revolusi Semesta Alam Sepanjang Masa untuk memberitakan Injil Kabar Keselamatan di dalam Yesus Kristus sampai ke Ujung Bumi, yaitu Tanah Papua, di mana bangsa Papua berdiam di Negara West Papua dan Papua New Guinea seperti dikutip berikut:

  1. Berdasarkan Mukadiman Undang-Undang Dasar Pemerintah Sementara ULMWP, atas perintah Komando WPA, maka kami secara penuh dan teguh berpihak kepada dan mendukung Pemerintah, Tentara dan Rakyat Israel, sebagai bangsa pilihan Allah, dengan tanah perjanjian yang telah Allah berikan dengan jelas tertulis dalam Alkitab Kejadian 17:8. Tanah Kanaan dijanjikan dan diberikan langsung dengan inisiatif YHWH kepada Abraham dan keturunannya untuk selama-lamanya. Perjanjian ini tidak dapat dan tidak akan pernah dapat diganggu-gugat sepanjang Alkitab ada.
    Semua prajurit WPA harus dengan bersyukur mendoakan dan mendukung Israel dalam menentang teroris berkedok pemerintah, rumah sakit, dokter, LSM, agama, dan sebagainya, yang tidak asing, dan sangat kita kenal karena kita alami setiap saat selama hampir satu abad di West Papua.

Akhirnya seruang disampaikan kepada politisi dan diplomat Papua Merdeka, agar selalu berusaha untuk mengurangi atau bila perlu menghilangkan perbedaan di antara para tokoh, pejuang dan organisasi dan selalu kembali kepada kesepakatan bersama yang telah diatur dalam Konstitusi dan keputusan-keputusan yang telah diambil sehingga nasib bangsa Papua tidak terbengkalai.

General Tabi juga mengungkapkan perintah Chief General Mathias Wenda, bahwa setelah beberapa tahun, bilamana para politisi tidak sanggup menyelesaikan perbedaan dan perjuangan ini, maka Komando Militer siap ambil-alih dengan mengedepankan Komando Revolusi.

Selamat Ulang Tahun HUT Bangsa Papua dan HUT Pemerintah West Papua

Dari Markas Pusat Pertahanan (MPP) West Papua Army (WPA), Sekretariat-Jenderal West Papua Revolutionary Army menyampaikan

Selamat merayakan Hari Ulang Tahun Kebangsaan Papua
1 Desember 1961 – 1 Desember 2023


Selamat Ulang Tahun Pemerintah Sementara
1 Desember 2020 – 1 Desember 2023

Dengan menundukkan kepada tanda hormat kepada Yahweh Elohim, Yesus Kristus sebagai Panglima Mahatinggi Komando Revolusi Semesta Alam Sepanjang Masa, karena atas tuntunan-Nya kita telah melewati waktu-waktu dan kini sedang memasuhi ke era di mana Sang Bintang Fajar semakin menunjukkan cahaya-Nya, menunjukkan arah, visi Green State secara jelas dan pasti, membawa kita pulang ke rumah, tempat di mana Allah maksudkan untuk kita hidup memuliakan Dia selama-lamanya.

Mari kita berdoa, agar bangsa Israel sebagai bangsa Pilihan Yahweh diberikan kekuatan dan kemenangan dalam menghadapi teroris Hamas di negara mereka, tanah leluhur pemberian Yahweh sendiri untuk selama-lamanya berdasarkan Konstitusi Kehidupan Alkitab Kejadian 17:8.

Kepadamu dan kepada keturunanmu akan Kuberikan negeri ini yang kaudiami sebagai orang asing, yakni seluruh tanah Kanaan akan Kuberikan menjadi milikmu untuk selama-lamanya; dan Aku akan menjadi Allah mereka.”

TB: Alkitab Terjemahan Baru

Mari kita berdoa agar bangsa Papua sebagai bangsa penggenapan Allah di dalam Yesus Kristus mendapatkan kekutan Allah menghadapi donatur Hamas dan negara teroris Indonesia, karena Yesus ada di pihak kita, sesuai dengan janji Konstitusi Allah Kejadian 12:3,

Aku akan memberkati orang-orang yang memberkati engkau, dan mengutuk orang-orang yang mengutuk engkau, dan olehmu semua kaum di muka bumi akan mendapat berkat.”

TB: Alkitab Terjemahan Baru

Penggenapan berkat-berkat itu dialami lewat pemberitaan Injil, sampai ke ujung bumi, dan dengan bersikap jelas terhadap bangsa Israel:

Tetapi kamu akan menerima kuasa 1 , kalau Roh Kudus turun ke atas kamu, o dan kamu akan menjadi saksi-Ku 2 p di Yerusalem dan di seluruh Yudea dan Samaria q dan sampai ke ujung bumi. “

Kisah Para Rasul 1: 8

Dalam peringatan HUT kebangsaan dan HUT Pemerintahan Sementara West Papua ini, kami berdoa kira-Nya Tuhan mendengarkan dan mengabulkan doa kami, untuk West Papua merdeka dan berdaulat di luar NKRI dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya.


Amunggut Tabi, General WPRA
BRN: A.DF 018676

Sikap Politik/ Pandangan Umum WPA di KTT ULMWP Port Vila, Vanuatu 2023

West Papua Army (WPA)

Komando West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA)

Pandangan Umum WPRA affiliasi WPA

Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu

Date: Agustus 2023

www: – e:

Pandangan Umum

Atas nama moyang bangsa Papua, atas nama segenap komunitas makhluk, atas nama tulang-belulang dan atas nama anak-cucu yang akan datang,

Terpujilah nama YAHWEH: Allah Bapa, Allah Anak dan Allah Roh Kudus.

Atas nama West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA), saya, sebagai komando afiliasi dari West Papua Army (WPA) menyampaikan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada Sidang ini atas waktu yang diberikan kepada kami oleh tuan Menteri Pertahanan dan Kemanan ULMWP.

Yang kami hormati, pimpinan dan anggota Komite Lefislatif United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULWMP),

Yang kami hormati, pimpinan dan anggota Komite Judicatif ULWMP,

Yang kami hormati, pimpinan dan anggota Komite Eksekutif ULWMP,

Yang kami hormati, pimpinan pilar pendiri, organisasi afiliasi, organisasi non-afiliasi dan organisai pendukung.

Yang kami hormati, perwakilan gereja-gereja di West Papua, pimpinan Dewan Adat Papua, utusan pasukan atau perwira komando pertahanan di tanah air serta di pengasingan,

Yang kami hormati, pendiri, organisasi afiliasi, organisasi non-afiliasi dan organisai pendukung,

Yang kami hormati, segenap komunitas makhluk yang kelihatan dan tidak kelihat, yang ada di segenap jagat-raya alam semesta.

Perkenankanlah saya, General Amunggut Tabi, BRN: A.DF 018676, dengan ini menyampaikan pandangan umum terhadap ULMWP secara umum berdasarkan perintah dari Panglima Komando West Papua Army, Chief General Mathias Wenda ditambah pandangan pribadi sebagai Perwira Tinggi dalam WPRA.

Pertama-tama, West Papua Army menyatakan sikap mendukung penuh dan siap mengawal Konstitusi United Liberation Movement for West Papua dan Pemerintah Sementara ULMWP berdasarkan Konstitusi Sementara ULMWP hasil sidang KTTLB tahun 2020 di Port Numbay, West Papua.

Kedua, West Papua Army menyatakan penyesalan sebesar-besarnya atas seluruh tindak-tanduk ULMWP yang mengancam keberlanjutan dan pencapaian cita-cita perjuangan bangsa Papua selama hampir satu abad ini.

Alasan pertama WPA berpandangan bahwa berdemokrasi dalam era revolusi adalah sebuah kecelakaan yang telah mencederai perjuangan bangsa Papua, yang telah mengancam eksistensi komando sayap militer dan sayap politik serga organ-organ perjuangan lain seperti kita sedang saksikan dalam sindang yang terhormat ini. Sulit bagi kita memahami bagaimana memelihara demokrasi dalam era revolusi, bagaimana sebuah bangsa berdemokrasi di era revolusi. Kita sedang memaksakan perkawinan dua makhluk yang speciesnya berbeda, seperti ikan hendak dikawinkan dengan ayam.

Kami berpandangan bahwa dari awal telah terjadi kecelakaan cukup memprihatinkan, dan akibatnya sampai dengan saat ini, pendekatan perjuangan bangsa Papua telah bergeser dari perjuangan yang inclusive, revolusioner dan progressive, menjadi perjuangan yang sangat elitist, exclusive dan demokratis. Dengan kata lain, kita, entah dengan sengaja atau tidak telah mengebiri semangat revolusioner yang progressive dan inclusive. Dengan gembira kita saksikan dalam sidang ini, di mana organisasi perjuangan yang selama ini aktiv di lapanangan tidak diberi hak yang sama, karena mereka tidak berafiliasi dengan tiga pilar pendiri, yaitu PNWP, WPNCL dan NFRPB.

West Papua Army berpandangan sama persis dengan perasaan, sikap dan pandangan organ non-afiliasi, bahwa West Papua Army harus diberikan posisi tersendiri dan terpisah dalam sidang ini. Ini era revolusi, bukan era demokrasi, tanpa militer, maka sebuah perjuangan pembebasan di abad ini tidak akan pernah berhasil. Tanpa organisasi yang revolusioner, inclusive dan progressive, dengan menempatkan sayap militer sebagai sayap terpenting dalam perjuangan, maka perjuangan politik akan mengalami jalan buntu, karena politik tidak mengenal benar atau salah, akan tetapi kepentingan, dan politik tidak mengenal musuh abadi, setiap saat selalu dinamis dan speculative.

Cukup dengan dua alasan ini, maka kami berpandangan bahwa Konstitusi ULMWP 2020 yang disusul dengan pembentukan Pemerintah ULMWP atau Pemeirntah Sementara ialah jalan terobosan yang formal, legal dan rasional untuk mengatasi yang kami anggap sebagai turbulence yang dialami oleh perjuangan bangsa Papua saat ini. Kami percaya, Konstitusi ULMWP 2020 ini jalan keluar dari kemacetan arus lalulintas komunikasi yang sedang terjadi saat ini.

Yang ketiga, kami tambahkan hal-hal teknis, akan tetapi cukup penting untuk diperhatikan. Kesatu, terpapar jelas dalam keseruruhan energi para pejuang kita bahwa “etika, moralitas dan rasa malu” atas perbuatan yang mencela perjuangan sama-sekali tidak terlihat dalam perjuangan kita. Ada individu atau organisasi dengan mudah keluar-masuk ULMWP tanpa rasa malu atau dengan tidak sopan. Kita bertahan pada posisi sebagai pejuang dan organisasi perjuangan, akan tetapi mencederai etika dan moral sebagai standard peradabaan sebuah bangsa. Tingkat peradaban kita diproyeksikan kepada dunia bahwa kita belum tahu malu.

Kedua, tabiat bangsa Papua sebagai pemberontak pemerintah atau pemimpin atau aturan atau kesepakatan sangat jelas terbawa dalam organisasi dan kepemimpinan kita orang Papua sendiri. Akibatnya apa? Kita bersikap tidak sopan kepada pempimpin kita sendiri. Kita selalu mencari kesalahan tetapi jarang memberikan solusi. Kita selalu melawan keputusan dan pemimpin yang telah kita anggap sebagai pemimpin, dan yang dipandang khalayak umum di dunia sebagai icon perjuangan bangsa Papua. Kita juga selalu berbantah-bantahan dan mengeluarkan sikap yang tidak tertib, tidak tahu adat dan tidak pantas. Kita harus belajar lagi kepantasan dan kepatutan kita dalam berinteraksi dan memperjuangkan aspirasi bangsa kita.

Yang terakhir, West Papua Army berkeyakinan dan karena itu mengundang kita semua agar dengan akal sehat dan mental revolusioner, mempelajari jiwa dari Konstitusi ULMWP 2020 dan mensahkannya. Mengapa demikian? Kami berikan tiga contoh. Kesatu, Konstitusi ULMWP 2020 telah memasukkan semua pihak ke dalam organ perjuangan bangsa Papua, termasuk gereja, adat, organ perjuangan lain dan komando-komando pertahanan, serta yang terpenting mencakup 7 Wilayah Adat Papua, Kaum Perempuan dan Anak, dan segenap makhluk selain makhluk manusia.

Kedua, Konstitusi ULMWP 2020 memformat ULMWP dengan memberikan lebih banyak ruang maneuver kepada pucuk pimpinan, tetapi waktu bersamaan sangat inclusive, di mana Komite Executive menjadi organ yang siap di mata Indonesia dan di mata dunia, ujung tombak yang dikawal oleh Dewan Legislatif dan Dewan Judicatif. Ini format yang, bagi kami, sangat ideal bagi konteks West Papua secara geografis dan bangsa Papua secara social, budaya dan dinamika real-politik.

Terpujilah nama  YHWH: Allah Bapa, Allah Anak dan Allah Roh Kudus!

“Papua!…… “ “Merdeka!….”


Amunggut Tabi, General WPRA
BRN: A.DF 018676

Chief General Mathias Wenda: Turut Berdukacita Sedalam-Dalamnya

Panglima Tertinggi West Papua Army (WPA), Chief. Gen. Laliguragan Mathias Wenda TURUT BERDUKACITA yang dalam atas terpanggilnya ke dua Pemimpin bangsa dalam bulan ini Oktober 2022, yaitu;

1. Almarhum, Tn. Jonah Wenda, pimpinan Komite Legislatif ULMWP, Pemerintah Sementara West Papua,

2. Almarhumah Ny. Leoni Tanggahma

Jasa perjuangan dan pengorbanan demi memperjuangkan cita-cita bangsa West Papua akan dikenang oleh rakyat bangsa Papua.

Dari rimba raya New Guinea saya bersama seluruh Staf Markas Pusat Pertahanan Komando Tertinggi West Papua Army merenungkan dan mencucurkan air mata atas pengabdian dan kinerja yang sangat baik dari kedua tokoh Pemimpin Papua Merdeka tersebut.

Perjuangan dalam menentang Kolonial Indonesia dan semangat api Revolusi yersebut akan dinikmati oleh rakyat dan generasi West Papua. Kedua Pemimpin bangsa telah pergi mendahului kita, namun saya percaya seribu generasi West Papua akan bangkit untuk meneruskan tongkat stafet yang telah ditinggalkan.

“Berbahagialah orang-orang mati yang mati dalam Tuhan, sejak sekarang ini, sungguh kata Roh, supaya mereka boleh beristirahat dari jerih lelah mereka, karena segala perbuatan mereka menyertai mereka” Wahyu 14:13.

Di keluarkan di: MPP WPA
pada tanggal: 12 October 2022



Laligurangan Mathias Wenda Chief General

BRN. A. DF: 00107676


Happy 47th Anniversary Papua New Guinea!

As Papua New Guinea is entering into her 47th anniversary of independence, West Papua Army (western New Guinea Army) hereby would like to say

HAPPY 47th ANNIVERSARY to Papua New Guinea and her peoples

16 September 1975 – 16 September 2022

Let us fight for our remaining colonized land of ours, on the western side of our island, until it is free from Indonesian colonialism.

Then we will all of us who live in our New Guinea Island, will jointly, celebrate our full and complete independence as a people, a country and a land.

Happy Papua New Guinea! Free West Papua! Free Melanesia!

Yours sincerely,

Amunggut Tabi, Gen. WPA 
BRN: A.DF 018676


We have lost an elder. He was a Freedom fighter. He was a member of the Papuan Volunteer Corp (PVK).

When the Dutch left West Papua in 1962 he chose to join the West Papuan resistance movement (OPM). He was one the few ones who lead the Papuan offensive to destroy the Indonesian military headquarter in Arfai in 1965.

He has been committed ever since to Free West Papua from the Indonesian colonialism. As a civilian he has been involved in recruitment of young Papuan freedom fighters for many years. In 1984 he decided to rejoin with the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN).

When I was 8/9 years old, I saw him in Black Wara (Black Water) refugee camp. Can still remember the images, him and all the other military uncles sitting and talking and making plans. They called their group or detachment ‘SONEK’ (Sobat Nekad, the desparate ones, friends longing for freedom).

That is how I will remember him. Don’t worry we will finish what you have started. West Papua will be free.

Araaa……Marandan bebye.


From whistling arrows and trumpeting elephants to battle cries and eerie horns, ancient soldiers used sound to frighten and confuse their enemies.

AS IF THE tumultuous din of battle is not horrendous enough, over the ages, humans have discovered plenty of ways to exploit sound in warfare. I found an astonishing variety of ancient acoustic weapons while researching my book Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs: Unconventional Warfare in the Ancient World. Deploying sound in war has evolved over millennia, from natural animal sounds and music to today’s advanced sonic devices.


In antiquity, cavalry horses were trained to endure the piercing pipe music that led armies to battle. But a clever reversal of this training could spell victory.

In the seventh century B.C., the Kardians of Thrace, who lived in what is now northwest Turkey, were renowned for their cavalry. For entertainment, the mounted soldiers taught their horses to dance to pipes played at drinking parties. Rearing up and pawing the air, the horses kept time to the lively music.

Captured as a boy from Bisaltia in northeastern Greece, a prisoner named Naris heard about the marvelous dancing horses in the Kardian barbershop where he worked. According to the story recounted by the ancient Greek writer Athenaeus, Naris escaped, returned to Bisaltia, and prepared to make war on Kardia.

He had a secret weapon: a piper girl who had also escaped from Kardia. She taught the Bisaltian soldiers songs from Kardian banquets. Naris led his army against the Kardian cavalry and signaled for his pipers to play. Pricking their ears at the familiar tunes, the Kardian horses reared up to dance, throwing off their riders. In the chaos, the Bisaltians crushed the Kardians.


Cavalrymen of classical antiquity accustomed their horses to the clash of bronze weapons. But in the fourth century B.C., when Alexander the Great’s successors brought war elephants from India, the animals’ trumpeting threw horses into a frenzy.

Alexander had learned from King Porus during his 326 B.C. Indian campaign that elephants have sensitive hearing and poor eyesight, which makes them averse to unexpected loud, discordant sounds. When Alexander’s scouts reported that elephants were approaching, Porus advised Alexander’s horsemen to grab up pigs and trumpets and ride out to meet them. The shrill sound of the pigs combined with blaring trumpets sent the elephants fleeing.

In 280 B.C., the Romans first encountered war elephants, brought to Italy by Greek King Pyrrhus. The riders in the howdah seats upon their backs created an ear-splitting commotion with drums and clanging spears, causing the Romans and their horses to panic.

But Romans noticed that Pyrrhus’ elephants were unnerved by high-pitched squeals of swine. Like Alexander, the Romans deployed pigs to deflect Pyrrhus’ pachyderms, which contributed to his heavy losses. Later, in 202 B.C., blasts of Roman war trumpets panicked Carthaginian general Hannibal’s war elephants in the Battle of Zama, ending the Second Punic War.

Some commanders tried to obtain an elephant or two to condition their horses before the battle. Perseus of Macedon prepared for a Roman attack with war elephants in 168 B.C. by having artisans build wooden models of elephants on wheels. Pipers inside the huge mock-ups played harsh sounds, acclimating the Macedonian horses to the sight and sound of elephants. But Perseus’ preparations were for naught. Even though the mountainous terrain at the Battle of Pydna got the better of the Romans’ 20 elephants, Rome was victorious.


Bloodcurdling war cries are a universal way of striking terror in foes. Maori war chants, the Japanese battle cry “Banzai!” (Long Live the Emperor) in World War II, the Ottomans’ “Vur ha!” (Strike), and the Spanish “Desperta ferro!” (Awaken the iron) are examples. In antiquity, the sound of Greek warriors bellowing “Alala!” while banging swords on bronze shields was likened to hooting owls or a screeching flock of monstrous birds.

The Roman historian Tacitus described the hair-raising effects of the barritus, the war cry of Germanic tribes. The Germans devised a simple technique for intensifying the barritus, which began as a low murmur. The chanting became a roar, then rose to a reverberating crescendo as the men held up their shields in front of their mouths to amplify the thunderous sound.

Another technological invention was the carnyx, the Celtic war trumpet. Romans were awed by the eerie, spine-tingling sounds made by the long bronze tube with a wide bell shaped like the gaping jaws of a fierce dragon, boar, or wolf. The horn’s loud, lugubrious tones “suited the tumult of war,” wrote Diodorus Siculus around 50 B.C. Later, Roman troops used the carnyx themselves.

Another early military sound technology was an arrow that created a fearsome noise. “Whistling” or “screaming” arrows (shaojian) made by the horseback archers of the steppes were described by the Chinese chronicler Sima Qian in about 100 B.C. A small, perforated bone or wood sound chamber — the whistle — was attached to the shaft behind the arrowhead. In battle, the shrieking sound of thousands of whistling arrows terrified enemies and their horses. Screaming arrows have been recovered from archaeological sites in central Asia.

Numerous other technologies to produce booming detonations to disorient and frighten enemies were described in ancient Chinese war manuals. These explosive devices employed gunpowder, invented in China around 850 A.D., reaching Europe about 1250.


Music was used during World War II to cause stress and anxiety: The Soviet army played Argentine tangos through loudspeakers all night to keep German soldiers awake. U.S. loudspeaker teams blasted deafening rock music (including The Doors, Alice Cooper, and The Clash) day and night during the U.S. siege of Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega in 1989. In the 2000s, Americans again deployed aggravating, incessant music in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Sound weapons have their uses off the battlefield, too. Shopping centers have borrowed the idea, broadcasting classical symphonies and frequencies registered only by teenage ears to keep young loiterers away. In 2022, Australian police bombarded anti-COVID-19 vaccine protesters with recordings of Barry Manilow songs on repeat to break up the crowd.

The recent development of weaponized sound energy is more ominous, often intended for civilian crowd control. Military scientists in the United States, Israel, China, and Russia have unveiled “nonlethal” high-decibel and pulsating high- and low-frequency armaments designed to assault the senses. Examples include hand-held or tank-mounted magnetic, acoustic devices, sonic-vibration cannons, and long-range acoustic devices, first used by U.S. forces in Iraq in 2004 and later by police against citizen protests in New York and Missouri.

Since 2016, American diplomats in Cuba, Russia, China, and elsewhere have experienced “Havana syndrome,” associated with mysterious neurological and brain injuries thought to be inflicted by unknown high-powered microwave or targeted sonic energy systems. Sound wave transmitters are not only psychologically toxic but can cause pain and dizziness, burns, irreversible damage to inner ears, and possibly neurological and internal injuries.

Since antiquity, human creativity in weaponizing devastating noise to confuse and overwhelm adversaries has progressed from intimidation to the infliction of physical injury.

This article was originally published on The Conversation by Adrienne Mayor at Stanford University. Read the original article here.

Upacara HUT Proklamasi Kemerdekaan West Papua di MPP West Papua Army

Peringati HUT Proklamasi Pemerintahan Revolusi Negara Republik West Papua (Republic of West Papua), Panglima Komando West Papua Army Pimpin Upacara Pengibaran Bendera

#WPANews | Memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) proklamasi pemerintahan revolusi negara Republik West Papua 1 Juli 1971, pada hari ini Jumat, 1 Juli 2022 — dipimpin Panglima Komando Tentara West Papua atau “West Papua Army ”, Chief. Gen. Mathias Wenda menggelar upacara pengibaran bendera di MPP West Papua (Markas Pusat Pertahanan), rimba New Guinea.

1 Juli 1971 — 1 Juli 2022 (51 tahun)


Sekjend WPA: Selamat HUT Kabinet 12 dan Komando WPA

Dari Markas Pusat Pertahanan (MPP) West Papua Army (WPA), dengan ini disampaikan kepada

  1. Para Kepala Staff West Papua Army;
  2. Para Panglima Komando Pertahanan Daerah West Papua Army;
  3. Prajurit Angkatan Bersenjata West Papua Army di medan tempur;
  4. Rakyat bangsa Papua di manapun Anda berada.

agar merayakan HUT (Hari Ulang Tahun:

  1. Pembentukan 12 Kabinet Pemerintahan Sementara West Papua (1 Mei 2021 – 1 Mei 2022);
  2. Penyatuan Komando West Papua Army (1 Mei 2018 – 1 Mei 2022), dan
  3. Pengangkatan Panglima Komando West Papua Army (1 Mei 2021 – 1 Mei 2022

dan selanjutnya disampaikan kepada semua pihak untuk mendukung segala kebijakan Pemerintah Sementara West Papua United Liberation Movement for West Papua di bawah kepemimpinan Interim-President Honourable Benny Wenda.

Atas nama Panglima Komando West Papua Army, Chief Gen. Mathias Wenda, surat ini ditanda-tangani dan dikeluarkan oleh Gen. Amunggut Tabi, Sekretais-jenderal WPA.

Disampaikan pula bahwa akan dilangsungkan Upacara Militer dalam rangka HUT West Papua Army di Markas Pusat Pertahanan WPA di Yako, Vanimo, Sandaun, Papua New Guinea.

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