WPCIS Warns Vanuatu Government of Ousted ULMWP Leaders Soon Visiting Vanuatu Sponsored by Indonesia

Markus Haluk, Willem Rumaseb, Menase Tabuni, Delius tabuni, M. Wenda

From the Central Operations Headquarters of WPCIS (West Papua Central Intelligence Services), a warning was send by WPCIS Director that ousted ULMWP Leaders, namely Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni and Octovianus Motte will be visiting Vanuatu soon under sponsorship of Indonesian government.

In response to the election of Indonesian sponsored leaders at the ULMWP Summit in Port Vila, Vanuatu, which successfully appointed Indonesian selected ULMWP leaders, the Seven Presidents of Seven West Papua Cultural Regions held the First ULMWP Congress in Port Numbay, West Papua, and have elected Honourable Benny Wenda as the President of ULMWP Provisional Government, and Reverend Edison Waromi, S.H. as the Prime Minister of the ULMWP Provisional Government, unanimously and democratically.

The congress was organised by the Chair of West Papua Congress, Honourable Buchtar Tabuni, upon direct request of the Presidents of Seven Cultural Regions of West Papua. The Seven Regional Presidents are the custodians or Papa Graun of the seven regions, who holds the highest power based on the Constitution of the ULMWP Provisional Government.

The current visit being organised and fully funded by Indonesia, sending the “ousted ULMWP leader, namely Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni and Octovianus Motte” is the follow up actions after fully funding the ULMWP Summit II in Port Vila recently, and the main goal is to isolate and domesticate West Papua issue became local and domestic issue inside West Papua and that the “so-called constructive dialogue” is already happening inside West Papua, between the ousted ULMWP leaders and Indonesia.

The main purpose of Indonesia is to stop MSG leaders from visiting West Papua, to witness directly in the field of what is happening inside West Papua.

The “ousted ULMWP leaders” have been working for Indonesia since 2000 and they are fully paid by Indonesia to assist Indonesia isolate and domesticate West Papua issue become internal domestic issue of Indonesia.

The WPCIS director, therefore, requests all members of Vanuatu Free Wet Papua Association and ULMWP Provisional Government ministers residing in Vanuatu as well as Vanuatu government officials to refuse such humiliating move using the name of ULMWP, but actually serving the interests of Jakarta, under Jakarta funding.

It is important to note, that those ousted ULMWP leaders mostly spend their time in Jakarta, have houses in Jakarta, and can freely travel in and out Indonesia, most often free of charge (being paid under special arrangements by the Indonesian intelligence agency – BIN).

Melanesians have to stand up now, against pouring of blood money coming from West Papua, brought by Indonesia, to make us become cannibals ourselves, to eat and drink our own blood money, to become politicians and prime ministers and ministers using our own blood money.

It is time now to stand up with Israel and West Papua, to speak and defend the truth. Set aside Mammon, development projects, luxury and prosperity coming from Melanesian blood spilt in West Papua. It is time to decide before God, Satan, Islamic Jihad and its State-Sponsor and State-Terrorist Indonesia, to make it clear, “Are we really Christians?” and “Is out country really a Christian country?”

For further information, please contact office@ulmwp.org or info@westpapuaarmy.com

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