WPCIS Warns Vanuatu Government of Ousted ULMWP Leaders Soon Visiting Vanuatu Sponsored by Indonesia

Markus Haluk, Willem Rumaseb, Menase Tabuni, Delius tabuni, M. Wenda

From the Central Operations Headquarters of WPCIS (West Papua Central Intelligence Services), a warning was send by WPCIS Director that ousted ULMWP Leaders, namely Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni and Octovianus Motte will be visiting Vanuatu soon under sponsorship of Indonesian government.

In response to the election of Indonesian sponsored leaders at the ULMWP Summit in Port Vila, Vanuatu, which successfully appointed Indonesian selected ULMWP leaders, the Seven Presidents of Seven West Papua Cultural Regions held the First ULMWP Congress in Port Numbay, West Papua, and have elected Honourable Benny Wenda as the President of ULMWP Provisional Government, and Reverend Edison Waromi, S.H. as the Prime Minister of the ULMWP Provisional Government, unanimously and democratically.

The congress was organised by the Chair of West Papua Congress, Honourable Buchtar Tabuni, upon direct request of the Presidents of Seven Cultural Regions of West Papua. The Seven Regional Presidents are the custodians or Papa Graun of the seven regions, who holds the highest power based on the Constitution of the ULMWP Provisional Government.

The current visit being organised and fully funded by Indonesia, sending the “ousted ULMWP leader, namely Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni and Octovianus Motte” is the follow up actions after fully funding the ULMWP Summit II in Port Vila recently, and the main goal is to isolate and domesticate West Papua issue became local and domestic issue inside West Papua and that the “so-called constructive dialogue” is already happening inside West Papua, between the ousted ULMWP leaders and Indonesia.

The main purpose of Indonesia is to stop MSG leaders from visiting West Papua, to witness directly in the field of what is happening inside West Papua.

The “ousted ULMWP leaders” have been working for Indonesia since 2000 and they are fully paid by Indonesia to assist Indonesia isolate and domesticate West Papua issue become internal domestic issue of Indonesia.

The WPCIS director, therefore, requests all members of Vanuatu Free Wet Papua Association and ULMWP Provisional Government ministers residing in Vanuatu as well as Vanuatu government officials to refuse such humiliating move using the name of ULMWP, but actually serving the interests of Jakarta, under Jakarta funding.

It is important to note, that those ousted ULMWP leaders mostly spend their time in Jakarta, have houses in Jakarta, and can freely travel in and out Indonesia, most often free of charge (being paid under special arrangements by the Indonesian intelligence agency – BIN).

Melanesians have to stand up now, against pouring of blood money coming from West Papua, brought by Indonesia, to make us become cannibals ourselves, to eat and drink our own blood money, to become politicians and prime ministers and ministers using our own blood money.

It is time now to stand up with Israel and West Papua, to speak and defend the truth. Set aside Mammon, development projects, luxury and prosperity coming from Melanesian blood spilt in West Papua. It is time to decide before God, Satan, Islamic Jihad and its State-Sponsor and State-Terrorist Indonesia, to make it clear, “Are we really Christians?” and “Is out country really a Christian country?”

For further information, please contact office@ulmwp.org or info@westpapuaarmy.com

Terjadi Kontak Senjata di Distrik Bayabiru, Paniai


Terjadi Kontak Senjata Di Distrik Bayabiru itu murni tindakan TPNPB Kodap XIII KEGEPANIPO PANIAI. Batalyon IV Piyamodide Telah Berasil Tembak Satu Anggota BRIMOB Juga Bakar POS Brimob kilo 99 bayebiru.

Laporan Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM per 20 Maret 2022

Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM telah terima laporan resmi Dari Pimpinan TPNPB Batalyon IV Piyamodide Letnan 1 Ugiitoyai Yumai bahwa mereka telah melakukan Kontak Senjata Dan Berhasil Tembak Satu Anggota BRIMOB.Di kilo 99 bayebiru.

TPNPB Dibawah Komando Komandan Batalyon IV Piyamodide Letnan 1 Ugiitoyai Yumai juga mengklaim bahwa mereka Berhasil bakar POS Brimob, Di lokasi Kilo 99 bayebiru Kontak Senjata Yang telah terjadi.

Silakan ikuti laporan resmi TPNPB Batalyon IV Piyamo Yang dikeluarkan oleh Komandan Batalyon IV Piyamodide dibawah ini.

Tgl:19/03/2022 Batalyon IV Piyamodide

Dibawah Pimpinan Letnan 1 Ugitoyai Yumai berhasil tembak mati satu anggota Brimob Di Daerah Distrik bayebiru Dan Kabupaten Paniai, tepatnya Di Mayabiru. Kontak Senjata terjadi pukul 18:00 sore hari dan baku tembak tersebut masih berlangsung.

Dalam Kontak Senjata ini di pihak TPNPB-OPM tidak ada Yang korban, namun di pihak TNI-POLRI ada satu korban anggota Brimob.

Yang Bertanggungjawab langsung Dalam serangan ini adalah Pasukan TPNPB dibawah Pimpinan



Perlu ketahui Bahwa TPNPB Kodap XIII Kegepanipo Paniai Telah di lakukan Batalyon IV Piyamodide..

Demikian Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, Bertanggungjawab atas siaran pers ini:

Oleh Jubir KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom,

Panglima Tertinggi KOMNAS TPNPB OPM


Panglima Daerah TPNPB OPM


Sekian dan terimah kasih.

,,,Hidup tpnpb.

The Ten Stages of Genocide

Genocide is a process that develops in ten stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it. The process is not linear. Stages may occur simultaneously. Logically, later stages must be preceded by earlier stages. But all stages continue to operate throughout the process.

➔ 1. CLASSIFICATION: All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality: German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide.

 The main preventive measure at this early stage is to develop universalistic institutions that transcend ethnic or racial divisions, that actively promote tolerance and understanding, and that promote classifications that transcend the divisions. The Roman Catholic Church could have played this role in Rwanda, had it not been riven by the same ethnic cleavages as Rwandan society. Promotion of a common language in countries like Tanzania has also promoted transcendent national identity. This search for common ground is vital to early prevention of genocide.

➔ 2. SYMBOLIZATION: We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people “Jews” or “Gypsies,” or distinguish them by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to members of groups. Classification and symbolization are universally human and do not necessarily result in genocide unless they lead to dehumanization. When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups: the yellow star for Jews under Nazi rule, the blue scarf for people from the Eastern Zone in Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

 To combat symbolization, hate symbols can be legally forbidden (swastikas in Germany) as can hate speech. Group marking like gang clothing or tribal scarring can be outlawed, as well. The problem is that legal limitations will fail if unsupported by popular cultural enforcement. Though Hutu and Tutsi were forbidden words in Burundi until the 1980’s, code words replaced them. If widely supported, however, denial of symbolization can be powerful, as it was in Bulgaria, where the government refused to supply enough yellow badges and at least eighty percent of Jews did not wear them, depriving the yellow star of its significance as a Nazi symbol for Jews.

➔ 3. DISCRIMINATION: A dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other groups. The powerless group may not be accorded full civil rights, voting rights, or even citizenship. The dominant group is driven by an exclusionary ideology that would deprive less powerful groups of their rights. The ideology advocates monopolization or expansion of power by the dominant group. It legitimizes the victimization of weaker groups. Advocates of exclusionary ideologies are often charismatic, expressing resentments of their followers, attracting support from the masses. Examples include the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 in Nazi Germany, which stripped Jews of their German citizenship, and prohibited their employment by the government and by universities. Denial of citizenship to the Rohingya Muslim minority in Burma is a current example.

 Prevention against discrimination means full political empowerment and citizenship rights for all groups in a society. Discrimination on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race or religion should be outlawed. Individuals should have the right to sue the state, corporations, and other individuals if their rights are violated.

➔ 4. DEHUMANIZATION: One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on hate radios is used to vilify the victim group. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human, and even alien to their society. They are indoctrinated to believe that “We are better off without them.” The powerless group can become so depersonalized that they are actually given numbers rather than names, as Jews were in the death camps. They are equated with filth, impurity, and immorality. Hate speech fills the propaganda of official radio, newspapers, and speeches.

To combat dehumanization, incitement to genocide should not be confused with protected speech. Genocidal societies lack constitutional protection for countervailing speech, and should be treated differently than democracies. Local and international leaders should condemn the use of hate speech and make it culturally unacceptable. Leaders who incite genocide should be banned from international travel and have their foreign finances frozen. Hate radio stations should be jammed or shut down, and hate propaganda banned. Hate crimes and atrocities should be promptly punished.

➔ 5. ORGANIZATION: Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility. (An example is the Sudanese government’s support and arming of the Janjaweed in Darfur.) Sometimes organization is informal (Hindu mobs led by local RSS militants during Indian partition) or decentralized (jihadist terrorist groups.) Special army units or militias are often trained and armed. Arms are purchased by states and militias, often in violation of UN Arms Embargos, to facilitate acts of genocide. States organize secret police to spy on, arrest, torture, and murder people suspected of opposition to political leaders. Special training is given to murderous militias and special army killing units.

 To combat this stage, membership in genocidal militias should be outlawed. Their leaders should be denied visas for foreign travel and their foreign assets frozen. The UN should impose arms embargoes on governments and citizens of countries involved in genocidal massacres, and create commissions to investigate violations, as was done in post-genocide Rwanda, and use national legal systems to prosecute those who violate such embargos.

➔ 6 POLARIZATION: Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Motivations for targeting a group are indoctrinated through mass media. Laws may forbid intermarriage or social interaction. Extremist terrorism targets moderates, intimidating and silencing the center. Moderates from the perpetrators’ own group are most able to stop genocide, so are the first to be arrested and killed. Leaders in targeted groups are the next to be arrested and murdered. The dominant group passes emergency laws or decrees that grants them total power over the targeted group. The laws erode fundamental civil rights and liberties. Targeted groups are disarmed to make them incapable of self-defense, and to ensure that the dominant group has total control.

 Prevention may mean security protection for moderate leaders or assistance to human rights groups. Assets of extremists may be seized, and visas for international travel denied to them. Coups d’état by extremists should be opposed by international sanctions. Vigorous objections should be raised to disarmament of opposition groups. If necessary they should be armed to defend themselves.

➔ 7. PREPARATION: Plans are made for genocidal killings. National or perpetrator group leaders plan the “Final Solution” to the Jewish, Armenian, Tutsi or other targeted group “question.” They often use euphemisms to cloak their intentions, such as referring to their goals as “ethnic cleansing,” “purification,” or “counter-terrorism.” They build armies, buy weapons and train their troops and militias. They indoctrinate the populace with fear of the victim group. Leaders often claim that “if we don’t kill them, they will kill us,” disguising genocide as self-defense. Acts of genocide are disguised as counter-insurgency if there is an ongoing armed conflict or civil war. There is a sudden increase in inflammatory rhetoric and hate propaganda with the objective of creating fear of the other group. Political processes such as peace accords that threaten the total dominance of the genocidal group or upcoming elections that may cost them their grip on total power may actually trigger genocide.

 Prevention of preparation may include arms embargos and commissions to enforce them. It should include prosecution of incitement and conspiracy to commit genocide, both crimes under Article 3 of the Genocide Convention.

➔ 8. PERSECUTION: Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocide, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated. Sometimes they are even segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. They are deliberately deprived of resources such as water or food in order to slowly destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced sterilization or abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents.

The victim group’s basic human rights become systematically abused through extrajudicial killings, torture and forced displacement. Genocidal massacres begin. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group. The perpetrators watch for whether such massacres meet any international reaction. If not, they realize that that the international community will again be bystanders and permit another genocide.

 At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or U.N. Security Council or the U.N. General Assembly can be mobilized, armed international intervention should be prepared, or heavy assistance provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and private relief groups for the inevitable tide of refugees to come.

➔ 9. EXTERMINATION begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called “genocide.” It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to do the killing. Sometimes the genocide results in revenge killings by groups against each other, creating the downward whirlpool-like cycle of bilateral genocide (as in Burundi). Acts of genocide demonstrate how dehumanized the victims have become. Already dead bodies are dismembered; rape is used as a tool of war to genetically alter and eradicate the other group. Destruction of cultural and religious property is employed to annihilate the group’s existence from history. The era of “total war” began in World War II. Firebombing did not differentiate civilians from non-combatants. The civil wars that broke out after the end of the Cold War have also not differentiated civilians and combatants. They result in widespread war crimes. Mass rapes of women and girls have become a characteristic of all modern genocides. All men of fighting age are murdered in some genocides. In total genocides all the members of the targeted group are exterminated.

 At this stage, only rapid and overwhelming armed intervention can stop genocide. Real safe areas or refugee escape corridors should be established with heavily armed international protection. (An unsafe “safe” area is worse than none at all.) The U.N. Standing High Readiness Brigade, EU Rapid Response Force, or regional forces — should be authorized to act by the U.N. Security Council if the genocide is small. For larger interventions, a multilateral force authorized by the U.N. should intervene. If the U.N. Security Council is paralyzed, regional alliances must act anyway under Chapter VIII of the U.N. Charter or the UN General Assembly should authorize action under the Uniting for Peace Resolution GARes. 330 (1950), which has been used 13 times for such armed intervention. Since 2005, the international responsibility to protect transcends the narrow interests of individual nation states. If strong nations will not provide troops to intervene directly, they should provide the airlift, equipment, and financial means necessary for regional states to intervene.

➔ 10. DENIAL is the final stage that lasts throughout and always follows genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile. There they remain with impunity, like Pol Pot or Idi Amin, unless they are captured and a tribunal is established to try them.

 The best response to denial is punishment by an international tribunal or national courts. There the evidence can be heard, and the perpetrators punished. Tribunals like the Yugoslav, Rwanda or Sierra Leone Tribunals, the tribunal to try the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or the International Criminal Court may not deter the worst genocidal killers. But with the political will to arrest and prosecute them, some may be brought to justice.  When possible, local proceedings should provide forums for hearings of the evidence against perpetrators who were not the main leaders and planners of a genocide, with opportunities for restitution and reconciliation. The Rwandan gaçaça trials are one example. Justice should be accompanied by education in schools and the media about the facts of a genocide, the suffering it caused its victims, the motivations of its perpetrators, and the need for restoration of the rights of its victims.

© 2016 Gregory H. Stanton.

President, Genocide Watch; Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington,Virginia 22201 USA

Immediate Response Required: West Papua Refugees Crossing Wutung into Vanimo, Papua New Guinea

Secretariat-General of West Papua Army (WPA) has received direct information from the Supreme Commander of WPA Chief Gen. Mathias Wenda at the WAP Headquarters that there will be refugees coming into Vanimo through Wutung international road connecting West Papua and Papua New Guinea.

The number of refugees is yet to confirm.

Chief Gen. Wenda confirms that West Papua Command take military respond when Indonesian troops do not allow the civilians to take refugee into Papua New Guinea.

Live broadcast of the event will be broadcasted at Facebook Page Called “Wim Awiyak“.

For further information, please contact Chief General Wenda via: 71306008 (in Tok Pisin) and 70873176 (in English)

Yours sincerely,

Amunggut Tabi, Gen. WPA

Human Rights Emergency: Indonesian Terror on Peaceful Demonstration in West Papua

Please advocate. This message came from a student at Cendewasih University, Jayapura, West Papua.

Some students were arrested at this time 09.00 Wit. At Gapura Uncen Abepura and below to the Jayapura Police. Several Students Arrested For Peaceful Demonstration Against Special Autonomy Volume II. Some of them had been beaten and were bleeding profusely.

Several students were arrested and forced to ride in Indonesian police cars. All the space for movement of students and the people of Papua continues to be silenced.
The Indonesian colonial government unilaterally without regard to the voices of the Papuan people will ratify Special Autonomy Volume 2.

Please advocate, help to monitor the situation in West Papua.

Press Release: West Papuan Provisional Government forms cabinet and departments in blow to Indonesian rule

The Provisional Government of West Papua has announced the formation of a full cabinet commanding 12 government departments throughout the country. The newly-created departments, ranging from Green State Policy to Defense, deepen the challenge to Indonesia’s illegal occupation of West Papua.

After announcing the formation of the Provisional Government on December 1, 2020, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has been building up governance capacities inside the colonised territory. The latest move comes after President Jokowi ordered a ‘crackdown’ in West Papua in response to the killing of an Indonesian intelligence chief.

A number of prominent West Papuans inside the country have been appointed to the cabinet, led by Interim President Benny Wenda and the Interim Prime Minister. The ministers will cover the following portfolios:

  • Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of Environment and Green State Policy
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Department of Rights of All Beings and Justice
  • Department of Political Affairs
  • Department of Indonesia Affairs
  • Department of Melanesia Affairs
  • Department of Women Affairs
  • Department of Social and Cultural Affairs
  • Department of Police
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Finance

Due to the intense political repression of the Indonesian regime, the names of the cabinet ministers are not being released. The departments are working underground in West Papua to undermine Indonesian rule from the inside. The Department of Foreign Affairs will command the ULMWP’s network of diplomatic missions across the world, including the EU, UK, US and Pacific.

The Department of Defense will command the united West Papua Army. The military commanders will include:

  • Supreme Commander Chief General Mathias Wenda
  • Deputy Supreme Commander General Goliat Tabuni
  • Chief of Staff Colonel Amos Sorondany
  • First Deputy Chief of Staff General Titus Murib
  • Second Deputy Chief of Staff General Brigen Fredinand Warobay
  • Third Deputy Chief of Staff General Abubakarak Omawi Wenda
  • Fourth Deputy Chief of Staff Mayor General Terianus Satto

The commanders today announce their commitment to operating within international humanitarian law and the laws of armed conflict, and their support for a peaceful approach to resolving the conflict.

The announcement comes on May 1, the anniversary of the Indonesian invasion of West Papua in 1963, commemorated annually by the West Papuan people.

Interim President Wenda said: ‘On the 58th anniversary of the illegal Indonesian invasion of our country, we take another step towards reclaiming our homeland. We are forming the world’s first Green State, able to protect the rights and life of all beings in place of an Indonesian occupation that has murdered hundreds of thousands of my people. Human rights and climate justice will be at the heart of our Provisional Government.’

Find full statement by Interim President Wenda on the announcement here.

Source: ULMWP

Press Release: West Papuan Provisional Government forms cabinet and departments in blow to Indonesian rule

April 30, 2021 in Press Release

The Provisional Government of West Papua has announced the formation of a full cabinet commanding 12 government departments throughout the country. The newly-created departments, ranging from Green State Policy to Defense, deepen the challenge to Indonesia’s illegal occupation of West Papua.

After announcing the formation of the Provisional Government on December 1, 2020, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has been building up governance capacities inside the colonised territory. The latest move comes after President Jokowi ordered a ‘crackdown’ in West Papua in response to the killing of an Indonesian intelligence chief.

A number of prominent West Papuans inside the country have been appointed to the cabinet, led by Interim President Benny Wenda and the Interim Prime Minister. The ministers will cover the following portfolios:

  • Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of Environment and Green State Policy
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Department of Rights of All Beings and Justice
  • Department of Political Affairs
  • Department of Indonesia Affairs
  • Department of Melanesia Affairs
  • Department of Women Affairs
  • Department of Social and Cultural Affairs
  • Department of Police
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Finance

Due to the intense political repression of the Indonesian regime, the names of the cabinet ministers are not being released. The departments are working underground in West Papua to undermine Indonesian rule from the inside. The Department of Foreign Affairs will command the ULMWP’s network of diplomatic missions across the world, including the EU, UK, US and Pacific.

The Department of Defense will command the united West Papua Army. The military commanders will include:

  • Supreme Commander Chief General Mathias Wenda
  • Deputy Supreme Commander General Goliat. Tabuni
  • Chief of Staff Colonel Amos Sorondany
  • First Deputy Chief of Staff General Titus Murib
  • Second Deputy Chief of Staff General Brigen Fredinan Warobay
  • Third Deputy Chief of Staff General Abubakarak Omawi Wenda
  • Fourth Deputy Chief of Staff Mayor General Terianus Satto

The commanders today announce their commitment to operating within international humanitarian law and the laws of armed conflict, and their support for a peaceful approach to resolving the conflict.

The announcement comes on May 1, the anniversary of the Indonesian invasion of West Papua in 1963, commemorated annually by the West Papuan people.

Interim President Wenda said: ‘On the 58th anniversary of the illegal Indonesian invasion of our country, we take another step towards reclaiming our homeland. We are forming the world’s first Green State, able to protect the rights and life of all beings in place of an Indonesian occupation that has murdered hundreds of thousands of my people. Human rights and climate justice will be at the heart of our Provisional Government.’

Find full statement by Interim President Wenda on the announcement here.

Komando Pasukan Operasi Khusus WPRA Siap Berdoa Puasa untuk Pemulihan Papua

Sebagai bagian dari operasi khusus, maka dari Markas Pusat Pertahanan Tentara Revolusioner West Papua (TRWP) atau West Papua Revoluationary Army (WPRA) lewat Komandan Operasi Khusus mengumumkan kepada dunia secara umum dan khususnya kepada bangsa Papua bahwa

Kami dari Komando Pasukan Operasi Khusus West Papua Revolutionary Army telah siap dan akan bergabung secara massal dalam Doa dan Puasa yang diumumkan Jaringan Doa Rekonsiliasi untuk Pemulihan Papua.

Menurut Pasukan Operasi Khusus, unit Komando Opsus dibentuk tahun 2010 dengan tujuan untuk menjalankan operasi-operasi khusus, terutama operasi-operasi di luar kegiatan militer dalam rangka memfasilitasi kegiatan operasi militer, dalam bentuk operasi secara rohani, operasi dalam bindang ekonomi dan operasi-operasi di luar jalur militer lainnya.

Didapati dalam perjalanan waktu bahwa sejak pertengahan 2020 telah muncul Jaringan Doa untuk Pemulihan dan Rekonsiliasi Bangsa Papua yang dikepalai oleh salah satu orang tokoh perjuangan bangsa Papua, yaitu Selvius Bobii.

Menurut Komando Operasi Khusus WPRA, seluruh pasukan Operasi Khusus akan terlibat dalam doa puasa selama 40 hari mulai 4 April sampai 14 Mei 2021.

Komando Pasukan Khusus WPRA menghimbau kepada seluruh pasukan gerilyawan Papua Merdeka untuk terus berjuang secara fisik dengan mengangkat senjata, dan dalam waktu yang sama pula haruslah ada pasukan khusus yang berperang secara rohani, untuk melawan principalities dan empires yang menguasai lapisan surga kedua di angkasa, di mana Lucifer bertahta dan menjalankan pemerintahannya.

Doa-doa untuk pemulihan, rekonsiliasi dan kemenangan atas Indonesia haruslah tembus sampai kepada Allah. Dan untuk itu perlu banyak berdoa dan berpuasa. Mulai tahun 2021, kita jadikan sebagai tahun doa dan puasa.

Penguasa Indonesia dan TNI Membakar Buku-Buku Sejarah Papua Sejak 1 Mei 1963


Oleh Gembala Dr. Socratez Yoman,MA

Watak kolonial yang sebenarnya ialah biasa mereka menghancurkan beberapa pilar penting bangsa yang diduduki dan dijajah, yaitu hancurkan pendidikan, hancurkan kebudayaan, hancurkan bahasa, hancurkan ekonomi, hancurkan kesehatan dan hancurkan sejarah dan dokumen-dokumen penting. Para kolonial memang tidak pernah hargai sejarah bangsa yang diduduki dan dijajah. Ini wajah yang dimiliki bangsa kolonial moderen firaun Indonesia.

Pastor Frans Lieshout, OFM memberitahukan kepada kita semua perilaku kejam dan barbar penguasa Indonesia dan TNI membakar buku-buku sejarah dan dokumen-dokumen penting tentang Papua.

“Di mana-mana ada kayu api unggun: buku-buku dan dokumen-dokumen arsip Belanda di bakar.” (Gembala Dan Guru Bagi Papua, 2020: hal. 593).

Kejahatan kolonial modern Indonesia terhadap orang asli Papua yang paling kejam, biadab, brutal, dan barbar serta primitif ialah membakar buku-buku sejarah dan dokumen-dokumen penting yang dimiliki penduduk asli Papua. Kekejaman dan kebiadaban penguasa kolonial Indonesia disemangati dari rasisme, fasisme dan militerisme. Kekejaman dan kolonialisme primitif ini wajar karena Indonesia adalah pemerintahan berkultur militer.

Menurut Amiruddin al Rahab: “Papua berintegrasi dengan Indonesia dengan punggungnya pemerintahan militer.” (Sumber: Heboh Papua Perang Rahasia, Trauma Dan Separatisme, 2010: hal. 42).

Dewan Gereja Papua (WPCC) pada 5 Juli 2020 menyatakan: “Begitu mendapat tempat di Papua (setelah UNTEA tanggal 1 Mei 1963), para elit Indonesia yang menampakkan kekuatannya dan membakar semua buku, dokumen-dokumen, jurnal dan semua tulisan tentang Sejarah, etnografi, penduduk, pemerintahan; semua dibakar di depan orang banyak di halaman Kantor DPRP sekarang di Jayapura” (Lihat, Acub Zainal dalam memoarnya: I Love the Army).

“Pembakaran besar-besaran tentang semua buku-buku teks dari sekolah, sejarah dan semua simbol-simbol nasionalisme Papua di Taman Imbi yang dilakukan ABRI (sekarang:TNI) dipimpin oleh Menteri Kebudayaan Indonesia, Mrs.Rusilah Sardjono.”

Pastor Frans Leishout,OFM melayani di Papua selama 56 tahun sejak tiba di Papua pada 18 April 1969 dan kembali ke Belanda pada 28 Oktober 2019. Pastor Frans dalam surat kabar Belanda De Volkskrant ( Koran Rakyat) diterbitkan pada 10 Januari 2020, menyampaikan pengalamannya di Tanah Papua.

” Saya sempat ikut salah satu penerbangan KLM yang terakhir ke Hollandia, dan pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963 datanglah orang Indonesia. Mereka menimbulkan kesan segerombolan perampok. Tentara yang telah diutus merupakan kelompok yang cukup mengerikan. Seolah-olah di Jakarta mereka begitu saja dipungut dari pinggir jalan. Mungkin benar-benar demikian.”

“Saat itu saya sendiri melihat amukan mereka. Menjarah barang-barang bukan hanya di toko-toko, tetapi juga di rumah-rumah sakit. Macam-macam barang diambil dan dikirim dengan kapal itu ke Jakarta. Di mana-mana ada kayu api unggun: buku-buku dan dokumen-dokumen arsip Belanda di bakar.” (Gembala Dan Guru Bagi Papua, 2020: hal. 593).
Fakta lain ialah pada bulan April 1963, Adolof Henesby Kepala Sekolah salah satu Sekolah Kristen di Jayapura ditangkap oleh pasukan tentara Indonesia. Sekolahnya digebrek dan cari simbol-simbol nasional Papua, bendera-bendera, buku-buku, kartu-kartu, sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan budaya orang-orang Papua diambil. Adolof Henesby dibawa ke asrama tentara Indonesia dan diinterogasi tentang mengapa dia masih memelihara dan menimpan lambang-lambang Papua” (TAPOL, Buletin No.53, September 1982).

Presiden Republik Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno mengeluarkan Surat Larangan pada Mei Nomor 8 Tahun 1963.

“Melarang/menghalangi atas bangkitnya cabang-cabang Partai Baru di Irian Barat. Di daerah Irian Barat dilarang kegiatan politik dalam bentuk rapat umum, demonstrasi-demonstrasi, percetakan, publikasi, pengumuman-pengumulan, penyebaran, perdagangan atau artikel, pemeran umum, gambaran-gambaran atau foto-foto tanpa ijin pertama dari gubernur atau pejabat resmi yang ditunjuk oleh Presiden.”

Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua tidak tahu apa itu Kerajaan Majapahit dan Sriwijaya? Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua juga tidak tahu Pancasila, 17 Agustus 1945 dan bendera merah putih. Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua tidak tahu nama-nama pahlawan seperti Diponegoro dan lain-lain.

Pertanyaan yang dipertanyakan dalam tulisan ini ialah mengapa sejarah Belanda di West Papua dan Sejarah bangsa West Papua tidak pernah diajarkan dari Sekolah Dasar sampai Perguruan Tinggi di West Papua?

Rakyat dan bangsa West Papua sejak 1 Mei 1963 sampai tahun 2021 ini hidup dan hafal serta belajar sejarah bangsa kolonial Indonesia.

Mari, kita sadar, bangkit, bersatu dan lawan kejahatan kemanusiaan dan ketidakadilan, rasisme, fasisme, dan militerisme Indonesia yang berlangsung secara konstitusional, sistematis, terstruktur, masif dan kolektif di Tanah West Papua dan berdampak sangat buruk terhadap keberlangsungan kehidupan rakyat dan bangsa West Papua.

Doa dan harapan penulis, artikel pendek ini menjadi berkat. Waa…Waa…Wa….

Ita Wakhu Purom, 18 Maret 2021


  1. Presiden Persekutuan Gereja-gereja Baptis West Papua (PGBWP).
  2. Anggota: Dewan Gereja Papua (WPCC).
  3. Amggota: Konferensi Gereja-gereja Pasifik (PCC).
  4. Anggota Baptist World Alliance (BWA).

Dari Kantor Penarangan West Papua Army: Salam Damai Natal! dan “Rayakanlah!”

Syukur bagi-Mu Tuhan!!!

Dari Kantor Penerangan West Papua Army, Amunggut Tabi, Gen. WPRA, dengan ini menyampaikan

SALAM DAMAI NATAL! Desember 2020


Selamat memasuki Tahun Baru Januari 2021

kepada seluruh umat manusia di seluruh muka Bumi, baik di alam fisik maupun alam roh, karena damai ini kelahiran Yesus menembus waktu dan tempat, dan lintas dunia dan alam, karna Yesus datang membawa pengharapan hidup kekal bagi semua umat manusia, yang telah mati sebelum Dia datang ataupun yang masih akan lahir.

Kepada rakyat bangsa Papua General Tabi menyebutkan ada lima peristiwa yang harus kita syukuri dan rayakan di akhir tahun 2020 ini dan sambil menyambut tahun 2021

  1. Pertama, bahwa embrio dari Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik West Papua telah ada di tangan kita, dan dalam waktu tidak lama lagi UUD NRWP akan lahir. Wilayah West Papua dan bangsa Papua kini memiliki Hukum Positif modern untuk melindingi dari segala jenis, bentuk dan wujud penjajahan
  2. Kedua, Wilayah West Papua kini telah memiliki Pemerintahan modern resmi sejak 1 Desember 2020. Wilayah West Papua yang dulunya disebut Nederlands-Niuew-Guinea, West Irian, Irian Jaya, Papua, dan kini Papua dan Papua Barat telah memiliki sebuah Pemerintahan Sementara yang sah dan konstitusional berdasarkan UUDS yang telah disahkan tanggal 28 November 2020 di Port Numbay West Papua, .
  3. Ketiga, bahwa Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah mensahkan Resolusi PBB tentang Hak Asasi Masyarakat Adat (MAHADAT) pada tahun 2007, di mana Pasal 3 menyatakan dengan terang-benderang MADAT berhak menentukan nasibnya sendiri.
  4. Keempat, bahwa PBB telah mensahkan Resolusi PBB tentang Hak Penentuan Nasib Sendiri pada pertengahan Desember 2020.
  5. Kelima, Yesus sebagai Raja Damai telah lahir, dan UUDS NRWP telah menyatakan di Mukadimah sebagai berikut “Kami mengaku dengan penuh syukur dan pujian bahwa bangsa dan negara West Papua adalah dibawah kuasa kemuliaan dan kebenaran Tuhan Yahwe, yang menciptakan Alam semesta, Leluhur dan segala berkat yang dilimpahkan bagi bangsa Papua.”

Rayakanlah! Bersyukurlah! Bergembiralah! dan kembalikan semua pujian dan hormat bagi nama Dia yang menciptakan, Dia yang memelihara, dan Dia yang menentukan nasib kita semua.

Indonesia tidak pernah ada, karena itu tidak perlu bubar! Indonesia sebagai negara ilusi dan imagined society tidak pernah ada, karena itu tidak perlu bubar. Yang perlu bubar ialah NKRI, negara yang dibuat dengan cita-cita adil-makmur berdasarkan darah-darah manusia tak berdosa.

Issued at: MPP WPA

Secretariat-General WPRA,


Amunggut Tabi, Gen. WPRA
BRN: A.DF 018676

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